Robert Scott's Team

Part of the Race to the End of the Earth exhibition.


Scott Assembles A Team With A Strong Service Background

Poor Planning Dooms Final Sledging Team

Unlike Amundsen, Scott developed a plan of attack on the South Pole that involved a number of "support" teams that would travel with him until no longer required and then return to base. In early January 1912, the last support team left. Scott and four others, comprising the final sledging party, continued on to the pole, which they reached on January 17.

Henry R. Bowers ("Birdie;" 1883-1912): A lieutenant in the Royal Indian Marine with no previous polar experience, he joined Scott's pole party after demonstrating extraordinary organizational skills, physical strength, and resourcefulness.

Edgar Evans ("Taff", "P.O. Evans;" 1876-1912): A career petty officer in the Royal Navy, Taff was a favorite of Scott because of his great strength and practical skills. For unexplained reasons he became severely disoriented and then disabled early in the return trip; he slipped into unconsciousness and died in February 1912.

Lawrence E. G. Oates ("Titus," "Soldier;" 1880-1912): Captain of the Sixth Inniskilling Dragoons, a British Army cavalry unit. Of independent means, he donated £1,000 to acquire a place on the Terra Nova expedition. He was placed in charge of the ponies. Having developed severe, disabling frostbite of the feet, Oates famously sacrificed himself in early March 1912 in order not to impede the others in their desperate effort to reach Cape Evans.

Edward A. Wilson ("Uncle Bill;" 1872-1912): Physician, painter, and naturalist, Wilson produced drawings and watercolors that form lasting visual tributes to the Discovery and Terra Nova expeditions.