Ecology Disrupted: Unexpected Consequences Of Human Daily Life On Abiotic and Biotic Ecosystem Components

Part of the Ecology Disrupted Curriculum Collection.

disrupted ecosystems main image


Download the files below to use offline, or to incorporate into your own lesson planning tools.

Ecology Disrupted: Changes to Habitats lesson plan


Ecology Disrupted: Changes to Habitats investigation booklet



(Time required: about 90 minutes, over two class periods)

In this lesson sequence, students will extend what they have learned about the unexpected consequences of human daily life on abiotic and biotic factors in streams to abiotic and biotic factors of other ecosystems.

1. Discuss ecosystems, abiotic, and biotic factors in the context of Baltimore streams (5 min)

2. Complete the graphic organizer for Winter Roads Make Salty Streams (5 min)

3. Watch other Science Bulletins and complete the graphic organizers for each (50 min)

Students watch additional Science Bulletins videos to learn about how human daily life can affect ecological function, and to pull out the ecological principles.

Light Pollution: Beyond the Glare
Urban Heat Island Effect
Climate Change Affects Ecosystems
Bronx River Restoration

4. Discuss findings from the Science Bulletins (10 min)

5. Complete and discuss the Final Thoughts section of the Investigation Booklet (25 min) 

Ask students to complete the Final Thoughts section of the Investigation Booklet, available in the Downloads section on this page.