Staff and Contact Info

Past and present staff information for the Darwin Manuscripts Project
Darwin manuscripts project logo. Blue and white.

David Kohn
Director & General Editor


Drew Coleman

Caryl Dreiblatt

Ella Fornari

Nick Gill

Adam Goldstein

Beverly Gordon

Donald Jones

Anthony Macchiarulo

Contributing Editors

Sandra Herbert, Professor, University of Maryland (Baltimore County)

Randal Hume Keynes OBE, Chairman, Charles Darwin Trust 

Gene Kritsky, Professor, College of Mount St. Joseph

Duncan Porter, Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

Joel Schwartz, Professor Emeritus, College of Staten Island


DMP is managed by the American Museum of Natural History, under the supervision of the Director of the Research Library and the Provost of Science. Administrative support is provided through the Library and web support through the Digital Media and Information Technology Departments.

Advisory Board

Thomas Baione, American Museum of Natural History 

Gillian Beer, Cambridge University 

Niles Eldredge, American Museum of Natural History

Sandra Herbert, University of Maryland, Baltimore County 

Randal Keynes, Charles Darwin Trust

Judith Berman Kohn, Clare Hall, Cambridge University 

Gerald Singer, American Museum of Natural History

Richard Ziemacki, Cambridge University Press

Web Development & Design

Michael Lee (DMP v. 1-3) 
MugoWeb (DMP v. 4)

Past Editors and Researchers

Kelli Andersen, Marsha Anderson, Katharine Asmus, Emma Betuel, Lucy Brandenburger, Patricia Burke, Celeste Carballo, Katherine Curran, Michelle Eldredge, Soley Esteves, Haley Friedman, Samantha Gare, Justin Goldstein, Eleanor Heumann-Pugach, Chase Hill, Scott Keefer, Sarah Krantz, Rina Krautwirth, Hanjun Lin, Kat Masback, Jack Meininger, Meghan Milewski, Leslie Myrick, Alexis Lynne Pavenick, Riley Pearsall, Tzvi Pollock, Christopher Reyes, Robert Ryan, Ami Saito, Rachel Sapire, Stephanie Schmeling, Eleanor Schwartz, Catherine Shih, Hyujin Song, Clara Steinhagen, Janine Veazue, Zach Veith, Michelle Wan


Have any questions or want to reach out? Contact the Darwin Manuscripts Project at [email protected].


Marilyn and Michael Dee, Linda Jacobs, Mark Sheridan, Coley Burke, Susan Campbell, William Huxley Darwin, Syndics of Cambridge University Library, Dr Jessica Gardner - University Librarian, Special Collections (Katrina Dean, Peter Gautrey, Adam Perkins, Jill Whitlock, Patrick Zutshi), Conservation Department (James Bloxam, Jan Colby, Anna Johnson), Cambridge Digital Library: Grant Young, Huw Jones, Maciej Pawlikowski, Imaging Department (Virginia Apuzzo, Gerry Bye, Les Goodie, Scott Maloney, Don Manning), English Heritage (Down House) (Antony O'Rourke, Olivia Fryman, Christopher Weddell), Syndics of Cambridge University Press (Dr. Richard Ziemacki), New York Botanical Garden Library (Susan Fraser), Natural History Museum Library, London (Judith Magee), Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Library (Michele Losee), Linnean Society Library (Gina Douglas), Joe Coleman, Paul Sundue, Correspondence of Charles Darwin (James Secord, Alison Pearn), Cambridge University Herbarium (Gina Murrell), Biodiversity Heritage Library (Chris Freeland, Martin Kalfatovic, Mike Lichtenberg), New York Public Library (Elizabeth Denlinger, Carolyn Vega), American Museum of Natural History (All AMNH/DMP Volunteers, Tom Baione, Rachel Booth, Kristina Britt, Catherine Brouilette, Anne Canty, Ryan Choi, Betina Cochran, John Cochran, Camille Coley, Jennifer Cwiok, Paul Delong, Robert Duffy, Catherine Devine, Ariana French, Darrel Frost, Gina Gillard, Barbara Green, Ann Herendeen, Jay Holmes, Luis Ibanez, Roberto Lebron, Iris Lee, Danielle Mazzeo, Valerie McQueen, Tom Moritz, Elan Nissenboim, Michael Novacek, Hewitt Pratt, Mai Reitmeyer, Barbara Rhodes, Paula Schrynemakers, Gerald Singer, Kendra Snyder, Louise Steward, Matthew Tarr, Samuel Tran, Michael Walker, David Yeo), Ellen Beunderman, Irene Palmer, Joel Wurl, Judith Berman Kohn.


William Huxley Darwin, permission to publish all extant Charles Darwin manuscripts. Permission &/or license to publish digitised Charles Darwin manuscripts, published works, or databases as specified on the item: American Philosophical Society, English Heritage, Eton College, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge University Press, Harvard University, Karpeles Museum, Lehigh University, Natural History Museum, Smithsonian Institution, University College London.


The Darwin Manuscripts Project is based in the Research Library of the American Museum of Natural History, 200 Central Park West, New York NY 10025.