Resources For Educators: Darwin

Part of the Darwin exhibition.

Montage of Charles Darwin, two blue-footed boobies, and pink orchids
Darwin tells the story of Charles Darwin, the man and the scientist, and how the evidence he gathered during and after the voyage of the Beagle led to the development of the theory of evolution through natural selection. This comprehensive guide will help you explore the exhibition with your students.


More Resources

  • PBS: Evolution - FAQ
    Information about teaching evolution, suggestions for responding to questions from students and your community, and strategies for addressing the public controversy about evolution and science education.
  • Understanding Evolution - UC Berkeley
    Subtitled "Your one-stop source for information on evolution," this site enables you to browse by topics such as "How does evolution work?" and "What is the evidence for evolution?" "Fun Stuff" at the bottom of the home page targets kids.
  • Science Explorations: Animals, Adaptation & the Galapagos Islands
    Three levels of investigations introduce students to the kinds of evidence Darwin encountered on his voyage and the critical thinking he engaged in. The program is a collaboration between the Museum and Scholastic, the global children's publishing, education, and media company.