With your help, new exhibitions and programs will continue to inspire generations of visitors; hands-on activities can provide a foundation for the future stewards of our planet; and our researchers—like Dr. Roger Benson, curator, Division of Paleontology—can make new discoveries here and around the globe.
Check out a special message from Dr. Benson in the field!
[Dr. Roger Benson speaks to camera from a paleontological dig site. Colleagues work on an excavation in the background.]
DR. ROGER BENSON (Macaulay Curator-in-Charge, Fossil Amphibians, Reptiles, and Birds, Division of Paleontology): Hi, I'm Roger Benson. I'm the Macaulay Curator of Dinosaurs and I'm here in Qhemegha, Eastern Cape South Africa collecting fossil dinosaurs from around the time of the End-Triassic mass extinction event, as well as the animals that lived alongside them so we can understand this apocalyptic episode in Earth history.
Thank you for supporting the Museum. Your support makes it possible for me to find new fossil reptiles that help us understand the history of life on Earth.