2018 Research Projects

Bond, Alan & Diamond, Judy; 11/19/18–12/1/18; University of Nebraska; Avian Social Complexity; Email: [email protected]

Brown, Chris; 6/4/18–6/12/18; Tennessee Tech University; Behavioral Ecology of Ripaninn Wolf spiders and scorpions; Email: [email protected]

Calabrese, Gina; 7/1/18–8/5/18; University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill; Drivers of reproductive isolation among populations of Spea multiplicata; Email: [email protected]

Chen, Catherine; 7/1/18–8/5/18; University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill; www.catherine-chen.weebly.com;The role of female hybrid behavior in shaping species divergence; Email: [email protected]

d’Orgeix, Christian; 7/1/18–7/16/18; Virginia State University; http://www.cnhs.vsu.edu/departments/biology/people/christian-dorgeix.php ;Do life-history patterns trump environment in shaping genetic variation of sympatric lizard species and metabolic rates and thermal regimes; Email: [email protected]

Foitzik, Susanne; 8/12/18–8/27/18; Johannes Gutenberg University; http://www.bio.uni-mainz.de/zoo/evobio/index_ENG.php; The functional basis of lifespan and fecundity in the ant Temnothorax rugatulus; Email: [email protected]

Friedman, Daniel; 8/3/18–9/3/18; Stanford University; www.danielarifriedman.com;Neurophysiology of harvester ants; Email: [email protected]

Gherghel, Iulian; 7/4/18–8/15/18; Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University; www.iuliangherghel.com ;Field and experimental testing for coevolutionary dynamics driven by resource polymorphism; Email: [email protected]

Gordon, Deborah; 8/13/18–9/1/18; Stanford University;https://web.stanford.edu/~dmgordon/; Behavioral Ecology of Harvester ants; Email: [email protected]

Harvey, Donald; 4/22/18–5/3/18; Smithsonian Institution; https://entomology.si.edu/StaffPages/HarveyD.html; Bee Biodiversity Initiative (BBI); Email: [email protected]

Jablonski, Piotr; 1/12/18–1/28/18; Seoul National University;http://behecolpiotrsangim.org/; Ecology of Mexican Jays; Email: [email protected]

Johnson, Dennis; 4/21/18–5/5/18; BBI; Email: [email protected]

Kaseloo, Paul; 7/3/18–7/10/18; Virginia State University; Do life-history patterns trump environment in shaping genetic variation of sympatric lizard species and metabolic rates and thermal regimes; Email: [email protected]

Kelly, Patrick: 6/24/18–8/12/18; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;http://labs.bio.unc.edu/pfennig/LabSite/Welcome.html; Sexual Selection and Resource Competition in spadefoot toads; Email: [email protected]

Ledon-Rettig, Cristina: 7/10/18–7/20/18; Indiana University; www.ledonrettig.com; Hormonal correlates of polyphenism in larval spadefoot toads; Email: [email protected]

Martin, Ryan; 7/1/18–8/10/18; Case Western University; www.martinevolutionaryecologylab.com; Ecological Character Displacement, Ecosystem Processes, and Community Structure; Email: [email protected]

McGee, Earyn; 5/25/18–7/20/18; University of Arizona; Linking perennial surface water and aquatic food subsidies to lizards in arid enviorments; Email: [email protected]

McMahon, Timothy M.; 4/22/18–5/3/18; USGS BIML and Smithsonian; BBI; Email: [email protected]

Middendorf, George; 8/12/18–9/30/18; Howard University; Behavioral ecology of Sceloporus jarrovii and other sypatric lizards; Email: [email protected]

Milam, Joan; 4/21/18–4/30/18; University of Massachusetts--Amherst; http://eco.umass.edu/people/adjunct-faculty/milam-joan/ ; BBI; Email: [email protected]

Pfennig, David; 7/10/18–8/10/18; University of North Carolina; Evaluating Phenotypic Plasticity’s Role in Adaptive Evolution; Email: [email protected]

Pfennig, Karin; 7/10/18–8/10/18; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Hybridization and mate choice in spadefoot toads; Email: [email protected]

Powers, Don; 6/7/18–6/21/18; George Fox University; http://www.dpowerslab.com; Hummingbird response physiological response to high environmental temperature; Email: [email protected]

Romero-Diaz, Cristina; 5/21/18–5/28/18; Arizona State University; https://martins.lab.asu.edu/; Chemical signaling in Sceloporus lizards;  Email: [email protected]

Sandel, Brody; 8/15/18–8/19/18; Santa Clara University; https://brodysandel.wordpress.com/; A comparative study of grass strategies in California and Arizona; Email: [email protected]

Seal, Jon; 7/10/18–7/20/18; University of Texas at Tyler; https://www.uttyler.edu/biology/research/seal/; Mechanisms of specificity and homeostasis in an obligate symbiosis; Email: [email protected]

Sherbrooke, Wade 5/15/18–6/5/18; Southwestern Research Station, AMNH; Reproduction and antipredator behaviors of horned lizards (Phrynosoma); Email: [email protected]

Steffenson, Matt 5/13/18–5/19/18; Adams State University; Autotomy compensation mechanisms in the wolf spider Pardosa valens; Email: [email protected]

Unckless, Robert; 9/14/18–9/17/18; University of Kansas; http://www.uncklesslab.com/people/;Collection of SW Drosophila species; Email: [email protected]

VanArnam, Ethan; 7/29/18–8/3/18; Keck Science Department of Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, and Scripps Colleges; https://www.kecksci.claremont.edu/faculty/profile.asp?FacultyID=316; Chemical ecology of fungus-growing ant symbioses; Email: [email protected]

Weiss, Stacey; 3/1/18–7/25/18 (every two weeks); University of Puget Sound; https://www.pugetsound.edu/faculty-pages/sweiss; Maternal protection of eggs via anti-fungal microbes in oviparous lizards; Email: [email protected]

Worthington, Sarah; 5/16/18–7/5/18; Indiana State University; Hormones, maternal aggression and natal dispersal in female Sceloporus jarrovii lizards; Email: [email protected]