Lessons in Conservation: Volume 4

Cover of Lessons in Conservation: Special Case Studies Edition, Issue No. 4 July 2014 featuring a brightly colored bird perched among leaves.

The latest volume of Lessons in Conservation features five case studies (four in Spanish) on conservation challenges and solutions in the Southern Tropical Andes. 

Lessons in Conservation is the official journal of the Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners (NCEP), and is currently available in electronic format. All materials in Lessons in Conservation are peer-reviewed, and are reproduced from NCEP teaching modules. If you plan to use these materials in your teaching, you may wish to download easily modifiable versions of the materials found in Lessons in Conservation, along with additional teaching and learning modules, from the NCEP module collection.

Download the entire PDF:

In this volume:

Authors: Maria del Carmen Samamé Farfán and Jorge Luis Martinez Ruiz


Authors: Maria de los Ángeles La Torre Cuadros and Carlos Alberto Arnillas


Authors: Fabiana Méndez Raya and Narel Paniagua Zambrana


Authors: Adriana Bravo and Ana Luz Porzecanski


Authors: Adriana Bravo and Ana Luz Porzecanski