2017 Mack Lipkin Man and Nature Series Panel Discussion

Waves of Change: Challenges and Solutions for the Ocean

SCCS­‐NY 2017 featured the Mack Lipkin Man and Nature Series Panel Discussion as a special public program on the evening of Thursday, October 12. The focus of the discussion was "Waves of Change: Challenges and Solutions for the Ocean", and panelists explored how managing the oceans through innovative policies and conservation approaches can help sustain seascapes and species — including the billions of people who depend on the ocean for their livelihoods and well-being. 


Jeremy Jackson

Jeremy Jackson

Professor of Oceanography Emeritus, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Senior Scientist Emeritus, the Smithsonian Institution

A leader in the study of marine environments, Jeremy is known for his understanding of threats and solutions to human impacts on the oceans.

Naia Lewis

Naiʻa-Ulumaimalu Lewis

Creative Director, 84 and Sunny & Coordinator, Big Ocean

As a social entrepreneur, artist, and native Hawaiian practitioner, Nai'a uses creative strategies to empower communities and develop cross-cultural initiatives for effective conservation solutions.

Merry Camhi

Merry Camhi

Director, Wildlife Conservation Society New York Seascape

Leading the first WCS seascape in North America and serving as a member of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group, Merry is a recognized expert in marine conservation and management of large ocean fishes, and sharks in particular. 

Ana Porzecanski

Ana Luz Porzecanski (Moderator)

Director, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History

The Mack Lipkin Man and Nature Series was established in honor of Dr. Mack Lipkin, Sr., by his many friends and admirers. Dr. Lipkin was a physician who was a gentle and powerful force in advancing the most humane and caring practices of medicine.

This free public event was organized as a part of the Student Conference on Conservation Science-New York 2017.