SCCS-NY 2019

Tenth Annual Conference - October 2-4, 2019
SCCS-NY 2018 Group Photo

The Center for Biodiversity and Conservation and its partners invited students, postdocs, and early-career professionals to take part in the tenth annual Student Conference on Conservation Science – New York (SCCS-NY), which took place at the American Museum of Natural History, October 2–4, 2019. 

As a part of the only international series of conservation conferences featuring students, SCCS-NY provided opportunities for emerging scientists to professionally network, gain experience, and present and get feedback on their work. Interactions with peers as well as leaders in science, policy, and management encourage collaborations, inspire further research, and create lasting professional connections.

“This is the only conference where I’ve seen mentorship being provided to students, and this is absolutely amazing. The feedback is very helpful and a chance to talk to mentors during lunches and during breaks is extremely valuable.”                 - Ph.D. Student

SCCS-NY 2018 presenter

Conference Program

Poster Abstracts

Conference Flyer


Major funding for 2019 Student Conference on Conservation Science has been provided by Marshall M. Weinberg

Conference Partners

Michigan and Princeton University logos

Conference Contributors

Pace University

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