Finding Research Articles

On this page, you will find databases and other resources that can help you find article citations/references and full text articles online.

Google Scholar | Databases | Journal Alerts | Finding Full Text | Open Access Resources for Full Text Articles

Google Scholar

Google Scholar allows you to search across a wide range of academic literature. It draws on information from journal publishers, university repositories, and other websites that it has identified as scholarly. 

Use the “Advanced Search” feature in Google Scholar to refine your search for articles by journal title, author, and/or date.

Enable “Library Links” to add direct links to the Gottesman Research Library’s electronic holdings (when available).


Databases can be used to search for literature in a specific discipline.  Databases also provide additional facets, such as controlled subject terms, for search refinement.  

  • AnthroSource - Index with links to full-text for all American Anthropological Association journals.
  • Anthropology Plus - Index combining Anthropological Literature from Harvard University and Anthropological Index from the Royal Anthropological Institute.
  • GeoRef - Index of articles, books, reports, etc. relevant to geology and geophysics.  Also includes material relevant to paleontology.
  • GeoScienceWorld - Collection of geoscience e-journals presented by several leading geoscientific organizations. Also includes material relevant to paleontology.
  • NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) - Open access Index (with abstracts) of articles covering topics in astrophyscs.
  • Zoological Record - Index of articles, proceedings, theses, etc. relevant to zoology.  Provides additional search refinements from Google Scholar such as species name and controlled descriptive terms.

Journal Alerts

Journal alerts can help you to stay up to date on the latest publications in your field. There are two main kinds of alerts:

  1. Search Alerts - Specify keywords or subjects in fields of interest to you. When a new record is added to the database that matches your search criteria the database will send an email notification to you about the new publications in your area of interest.
  2. Journal or Table of Contents Alerts - Many electronic resources feature table of content or journal issue alerts that allow you to set up automatic email notifications of new issues for specific journals.

For instructions on how to set up alerts, see the database specific instructions below:

Finding Full Text Via the Gottesman Research Library

If you find a citation/reference in Google Scholar or in one the databases but cannot access the full text or if you have a citation from a published paper or from an alert, you can check to see if we have electronic access to the full text  or access to the print issues via our catalog

Open Access Resources for Full Text Articles