Ecosystem Connections: River

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In the river habitat, species that live on land and in water all rely on each other.

Using its flat tail to swim and chase its prey, the giant otter shrew feeds on fish.
The giant otter shrew feeds underwater. It eats frogs and toads.
The Nile monitor lizard preys on birds and bird eggs.
The African slender-snouted crocodile preys on lizards, frogs, crabs, and snakes.
The Nile monitor lizards eats toads, fish, birds, and crabs.
The BaAka use different parts of tree for food, medicine, and materials. They also carve narrow pirogues, or canoes, out of tree trunks.
The adult square-marked toad lives on land and preys on fishing spiders. But as a tadpole, it is prey for fishing spiders.
The adult golden barb eats algae, seeds, insects, and spiders.
The fishing spider can hunt underwater. It eats small fish like the young golden barb.
The BaAka use nets and traditional traps to catch fish like the golden barb.
The Egyptian plover picks food from between the crocodile’s teeth in return for a meal.
Adult golden barbs will also eat fruit that falls from the palm tree.

In the river habitat, species that live on land and in water all rely on each other.
Image Credits:
Illustrations by AMNH/Laura Friedman