Should We Be Cloning Around?
When Dr. Ian Wilmut of the Roslin Institute in Scotland announced that his team had cloned a sheep, many people found the news unsettling. Even though this achievement may help in fighting diseases, some people believe that cloning is unnatural and wrong. They have taken steps to make cloning animals illegal in many countries. Some people who support cloning see it as a way of possibly saving endangered animals from disappearing from Earth forever. Others hope that cloning research will help scientists create new medicines and learn more about how diseases develop.
Who created Dolly: Dr. Ian Wilmut and his team of scientists
Born: 1996 at the Roslin Institute, Scotland
Breed of sheep: Fin Dorset
How many tries: 277
Characteristics: Dolly's DNA is identical to the sheep that donated its cells
Significance: First mammal ever to be cloned from an adult cell

Why did scientists want to clone Dolly's mother?
Dolly's mother was the last of her species
there was a sheep shortage in Scotland
for practice
Dolly was created as an experiment. Scientists wanted to see if it was possible to make a clone from an adult animal's cell.

How many mothers does Dolly have?
Dolly has three different moms. One supplied the DNA, one gave an egg cell, and a third gave birth to Dolly. This is a picture of Dolly and her birth mother.
Dolly was the world's first clone.
Clone-y baloney! Scientists had cloned sheep back in 1986. But Dolly was the first clone made from the DNA of an adult mammal cell.