illustration of orange and black bird sitting on tree branch
Birdwatching with Theodore Roosevelt

“Spring would not be spring without bird songs, any more than it would be spring without buds and flowers.” – Theodore Roosevelt

young Teddy Roosevelt picture and his house sparrow sketch

A 10-year-old Teddy Roosevelt sketched this House Sparrow.

Ever since he was a boy, Theodore Roosevelt  loved birds. One of his favorite places to watch birds was his family’s summer home in Oyster Bay, New York. There, he would sketch, identify, and collect the many birds of the area.

Roosevelt carried this passion for birds with him to the White House. As President, he created more than 50 federal bird reservations. In 1923, a bird sanctuary was established in Roosevelt’s name in Oyster Bay.

Ever since he was a boy,  Theodore Roosevelt  loved birds. One of his favorite places to watch birds was his family’s summer home in Oyster Bay, New York. There, he would sketch, identify, and collect the many birds of the area.

young Teddy Roosevelt picture and his house sparrow sketch

A 10-year-old Teddy Roosevelt sketched this House Sparrow.

Roosevelt carried this passion for birds with him to the White House. As President, he created more than 50 federal bird reservations. In 1923, a bird sanctuary was established in Roosevelt’s name in Oyster Bay.

Go Birdwatching in the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary!

Explore and observe some of the same kinds of birds that Roosevelt did.
Can you find all 16? When you find one, listen to its song and discover more about it.

bird guide book icon

Kid's Guide to Birdwatching (PDF)
Download this guide for tips on where, when, and how to watch birds near you.

illustration of wooded area at Oyster Bay bird sanctuary

Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary (JPG)
Print the scene as a poster or save it as your wallpaper!

Image Credits:

Sketch of bird, courtesy of Hougton Library, Harvard University 288/ 43M-828(4); Roosevelt, courtesy of the Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library; Oyster Bay Sanctuary and birds, Mike Hughes; book, Chris Kerr/The Noun Project; notebook and pencil, Delwar Hossain/The Noun Project; binoculars, Noun Project.