Graph the Data Along the River First parameter: Temperature (degrees Celsius) Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) Oxygen saturation (%) Secchi depth (cm) Total suspended solids (mg/L dry weight) Chlorophyll a (micrograms/L) Bacterial abundance (# billion cells/L) Bacterial production (micrograms carbon / L / day) Rotifers (# animals/L) Copepod nauplii (# animals/L) Copepods (# animals/L) Cladocera (# animals/L) Second parameter: None Temperature (degrees Celsius) Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) Oxygen saturation (%) Secchi depth (cm) Total suspended solids (mg/L dry weight) Chlorophyll a (micrograms/L) Bacterial abundance (# billion cells/L) Bacterial production (micrograms carbon / L / day) Rotifers (# animals/L) Copepod nauplii (# animals/L) Copepods (# animals/L) Cladocera (# animals/L) Date: Drag within chart to zoom BACK TO MENU