Jade Around the World

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George Harlow

Jade is one of the most beautiful rocks I’ve ever seen. And it’s rare! Jade is only found in certain places on Earth. It’s amazing to see how many different cultures have used jade.

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scrapbook page with jade objects from Japan, Russia, Alaska, Korea, British Columbia, Switzerland and Persia
jade pendant from 3000 B.C. Japan


The Museum's jade collection has objects mostly from China, Mesoamerica, and New Zealand. But jade was also used by many other cultures. The Jomon of Japan was the oldest culture to use jadeite, as early as 3000 B.C.! This is a "taishu," believed to be worn as a pendant.

carved jade bunny figurine


Jade was very popular in Moscow and was valued in the Russian Imperial Court. Small animal figurines reminded people of their "dachas," or summer homes in the country.

jade button


This button was found in Alaska and used by the Eskimo.

jade chopper or axe head


People living in Europe thousands of years ago used jade to make tools and weapons.

Haida people's adze made from dark jade

British Columbia

This adze, or axe, was used by the Haida people in the area now known as British Columbia.

orange and green jade spoon


Take a look at this spoon. It is from Persia, which is now Iran.

simple carved vase or bottle in very pale jade


Did you know that Korea is one of the oldest cultures to use jade? Koreans used jade found in their country, as well as jade from Japan.

Image Credits:

Taishu: Museum of Itoigawa City; Switzerland: Peter Vollenweider/Natural History Museum Bern; all other photos: courtesy of AMNH