Carolina F.
Age 7 | New York, U.S.A.
We are going to ask our grandparents to keep the first time capsules in their attic (to be opened in 2025!). We are going to bury the other time capsule (to be opened by my first grandchild when he or she is seven!) here in my grandparents' farmhouse in South Carolina, and do a map like a pirate!
To be opened in 5 years: a letter to myself and to share with people in the future, a lot of pictures of the sports and arts we do with my sister (you can cover the faces if you want!), pictures of the books we have done with my sister and dad, a couple of Passenger Pigeons we did with clay, picture of today's New York Times, letters from my dad and mom for me
To be opened in 50 years or more! Same objects above plus: little paintings we did with dad, letters from my parents to my grandchildren, surprise gift from my dad to my grandchildren!
Judges' Comments: We love the two time capsules for 5 and 50 years in the future! We like seeing newspapers with different headlines, to tell people in the future what was happening in the world today. The personal touches of letters, photos, and paintings are great!