A Place for Their Stuff
Because the Museum expedition team returns to Mongolia every summer, they have arranged for a compound in the country's capital, Ulaanbaatar (oo-LAN bah-TAR). There they store their jeeps, cars, and other supplies all year round. Several months before the expedition begins, members of the Museum team fly out to Los Angeles to shop for food and supplies. They then load all the stuff on a truck, drive out to a dock, and put it on a ship bound for China.
Located in: Central Asia
Capital: Ulaanbaatar
Population: 3,400,000
Language: Khalkha Mongolian
Area: 632,000 square miles; the sixth largest country in Asia
Significance: Since the early 1920s, scientists have been journeying to Mongolia's Gobi Desert in search of precious fossils. The Gobi is a fossil "gold mine" for paleontologists.

If you wanted to buy something in Mongolia, what type of currency would you use? The:
One tugrug is worth about 0.1 cents.
What two countries border Mongolia?
Russia and China
India and Pakistan
Brazil and Chile
Mongolia lies south of Russia and north of China.
Mongolia is completely covered by desert.
Actually, Mongolia's landscape is quite diverse. It consists of mountains and several hundred lakes.