Adams State University

A photograph of the Adams State University campus

© Adams State University

Since its cornerstone was laid in 1925, Adams State University has grown from a teachers' college into a fine liberal arts college. Adams State was recently designated the Regional Education Provider for southern Colorado. Today, students can earn a bachelor's degree in any of 16 majors, with 28 minors and emphases.

Adams State University offers the American Museum of Natural History's Seminars on Science courses for graduate credit or continuing education units (CEUs). After completing the six-week, online course, students register for ASC credit and fulfill a few additional requirements. They must have a bachelor's degree to be eligible.

Adams State University


Additional cost $270
3 graduate credits
4.5 CEU credits
Additional assignment required

Registration Instructions

To receive Adams graduate credit, you must register within 90 days of completion of your Seminars on Science course. Note that it may take up to 30 days from the time you submit all course requirements to the time your grade is posted and a transcript is available.

Course Listing

Adams State University Courses


Earth Science

SCED 559

Life Science

SCED 559

Earth Science

SCED 559

Life Science

SCED 559

Life Science

SCED 559

Life Science

SCED 559

Earth Science

SCED 559

Physical Science

SCED 559

Physical Science

SCED 559

Adams State University


Additional cost $270
3 graduate credits
4.5 CEU credits
Additional assignment required


Adams State University

A photograph of the Adams State University campus

© Adams State University

Since its cornerstone was laid in 1925, Adams State University has grown from a teachers' college into a fine liberal arts college. Adams State was recently designated the Regional Education Provider for southern Colorado. Today, students can earn a bachelor's degree in any of 16 majors, with 28 minors and emphases.

Adams State University offers the American Museum of Natural History's Seminars on Science courses for graduate credit or continuing education units (CEUs). After completing the six-week, online course, students register for ASC credit and fulfill a few additional requirements. They must have a bachelor's degree to be eligible.