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Oceans Full of Life
Not many plants and animals can survive on the Antarctic continent. But the ocean around it is filled with life! These marine animals have unique traits that help them survive in this extreme environment.

Marine Mammals
Seals swim along the coastlines of Antarctica. They return to land only to breed. Whales live in the surrounding seas. A thick layer of fat, called blubber, keeps these mammals warm in the chilly ocean.

One tiny little krill may not seem like much. But imagine 350 million tons of these little shrimp-like creatures together in the Antarctic. When they swarm at the surface, they can turn the sea red for hundreds of square miles.

What’s one of the most common animals swimming in the Antarctic waters? It’s not seals, penguins, or even a fish. It’s jellyfish!

Penguins can’t fly, but they’re well suited for icy waters. Tightly packed feathers and blubber keep them warm and dry. When emperor penguins dive for dinner, they can hold their breath for more than 20 minutes!
Image Credits:
seal, orca, penguins, and jellyfish, © US Antarctic Program; krill, © AGE FotoStock.