See how many different plants and animals you can find in this virtual mangrove swamp.
In this group game, discover how all the players in an ecosystem depend on each other to survive.
Biodiversity is the rich variety of life on Earth. But why is it important?
Find out what lives in the deep sea, coral reef, and continental shelf.
How is the ocean like a layer cake? What creatures live there? And how important is the ocean? Take a dive and find out!
Get some mud and a few other ingredients to build an entire ecosystem for bacteria.
Take a world-wide tour of biodiversity with three scientists.
Make a 3D diorama! All you need are pasta, Play-Doh, pipe cleaners, pom-poms, and hair curlers.
Conservation biologist Ana Luz Porzecanski answers kids' questions.¡TAMBIÉN EN ESPAÑOL!
Why is Ana fascinated by the rich variety of life on Earth? Find out!¡TAMBIÉN EN ESPAÑOL!
Make your own bird feeder and record your observations in a bird journal.
Water is a precious resource, and all things need water to survive.
What adaptations help these creatures survive?
Find out what you can do to protect the oceans and ocean life.
Museum scientists answer kids' questions!
Did you know that biodiversity provides us with things that we need?
Kids took the OLogy Challenge and shared their work with us!
Watch these videos to explore Felicity's work as a conservation biologist.
A marine biologist answers kids' questions about how climate change affects life in the ocean.
Ross MacPhee has always loved dirt. To him it means the opportunity to find lost things — from bones and teeth to pirate treasure.
Explore how Eleanor is protecting the world's animals and plants.
In these videos, a biologist introduces us to the microbes that live all around us.
There are no "ecosystem" .
Check out other on OLogy!