Meet six rocks that travelled to the Museum from places like Mexico, Scotland, and even outer space.
Every rock has a story to tell. Learn how to create a collection that rocks!
Take a peek at our planet's layers, learn what secrets rocks reveal, and gain a long view of history.
Find out how he became a geologist and what you can learn from studying rocks.
Visit a scientist's lab to see how he creates a magma chamber!
Find out how five different environments produce Earth's amazing minerals!
Create your own crystals with sugar. Then enjoy your tasty treat!
Test your knowledge about our planet Earth with this quiz.
Anyone can find fossils. This handy guide tells you where to look and what to do.
How do your fossil-sorting skills stack up? Put them to the test with this kid-friendly online puzzle.
Do you have what it takes to drive a robot on Mars?
Earthquakes are happening all the time. Find out what makes the earth shake.
Explore the layers of our planet: the crust, mantle, and core.
Take a look at some stories that were told along the Silk Road.
Take a peek into a mineralogist's scrapbook to see why he thinks jade is so special.
Do you dig the Earth? If so, you'll want to meet Ed.
Kids took the OLogy Challenge and shared their work with us!
What is it like to hunt for dinosaur fossils? And what discoveries are made back in the lab?
What faraway places might humans travel to someday, and how will we get there?
Send a note to a friend with these earthy letterheads.
Make a model of Earth's layers that's good enough to eat!
Find out what we know about Mars in this online tour of Earth's closest neighbor.
Find out what causes volcanoes to erupt and how scientists study them.
Water is a precious resource, and all things need water to survive.
OLogy learning: Find resources for K-5 grade levels.
Mundo Shamundo! Can you help Mandy study for her geology test?
Conservation biologist Ana Luz Porzecanski answers kids' questions.¡TAMBIÉN EN ESPAÑOL!
Learn about fossils, extremely rare—and valuable—records of the past.
In these videos, a biologist introduces us to the microbes that live all around us.
Bury chicken bones in plaster of Paris to see the challenges paleontologists face when excavating fossils.
How can the influenza virus travel around the world? Find out in this quizzy story!
Two thousand years ago, an ancient city called Petra thrived deep in the desert of Nabataean kingdom.
What golden award is this? Take a guess!
Make a 3D diorama! All you need are pasta, Play-Doh, pipe cleaners, pom-poms, and hair curlers.
Archaelogist David Hurst Thomas answers kids' questions.
Get some mud and a few other ingredients to build an entire ecosystem for bacteria.
Paleontologist Mark Norell answers kids’ questions.
Herpetologist Chris Raxworthy answers kids' questions.
Ancient trash or ancient treasure? This archaeologist tells us which he prefers.
Find out why Alice in Wonderland is Mandë's favorite poison story.
In this interview, meet the cast of a titanosaur, one of the largest dinosaurs ever found!
Why does this scientist love studying tiny living things called microbes?
Learn how to create a scientific illustration of a monarch butterfly in a few easy steps!
Volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes... Examine how plate tectonics affect our world!
What does this marine biologist like most about her work? Find out!
A marine biologist answers kids' questions about how climate change affects life in the ocean.
Find out how paleontologist John Flynn answered kids' questions.
Paleontologist Mark Norell answers questions about T. rex.
Dive into the oceans with an ichthyologist.
Find out more about global warming. How, and why, we should slow it?
There are no "rock" .
Check out other on OLogy!