Many species use the archipelago’s varied habitats—wetlands, forests, mountains, and even human-dominated areas—as a place to stop, eat, and rest on their long annual journeys between North and South Americas.
“Cuba has long loomed large in the consciousness of bird conservationists,” says ornithologist Leo Douglas, president of BirdsCaribbean, a group dedicated to protecting avian wildlife throughout the region. “The whole of the archipelago is important to migratory birds.”
Here are just a few of the many bird species that call Cuba their home away from home.
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Males and females of this North American songbird look so different, they were initially thought to be separate species. Both sexes, though, make their homes in Cuba all winter long.
Gray Kingbird
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
During the spring and summer, when North American migrating birds are absent from Cuba, Gray Kingbirds make their way from Central and South America to the island to breed. “Birds that migrate to Cuba in the winter aren’t in their breeding ground, so they don’t sing,” says Douglas. “Gray Kingbirds, though, are very vocal and hard to miss!”
Wood Thrush
Image courtesy of K.C. Azar
Wood Thrushes migrate south from North America to spend their winters in the warmer climes of Central America. During this long trip, many make a last-minute pit stop in Cuba before crossing the Gulf of Mexico to their ultimate destination.
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Ospreys migrate from North America’s east coast to South America. For some, Cuba is a stopover; others stay for the winter. Researchers learned this because more than 100 birds have been fitted with tiny backpacks containing lightweight, solar-powered radio transmitters, which track their movements using satellites and cell phone towers. You can even watch them yourself, courtesy of this interactive map.