Urban Advantage

Urban Advantage student displaying worm from their study at expo. © AMNH/ R. Mickens 

Urban Advantage (UA), founded in 2004, is the Gottesman Center’s hallmark partnership program with the NYC Department of Education and seven other science-rich cultural institutions. UA uses the Next Generation Science Standards, Ambitious Science Teaching, and the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education framework to support participating schools through professional learning opportunities for teachers, parent coordinators, and administrators. UA participation offers access to classroom teaching resources and equipment, the abundant resources of the UA partner institutions, and educational outreach to UA students and their families. UA currently partners with approximately 300 public Elementary and Middle Schools serving nearly 100,000 students and 1,000 teachers.

Urban Advantage expo 2019 in the Milsteiin HAll of Ocean Life.
The 15th Annual Citywide Urban Advantage Science Expo at the American Museum of Natural History.
© AMNH/ R. Mickens 

Application Period:

  • UA School Application: May-July
  • UA Teacher Application: May-August

Learn how your school can participate to UA.


American Museum of Natural History
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
New York Botanical Garden
New York Hall of Science
New York City Department of Education
Queens Botanical Garden
Staten Island Zoo
WCS/New York Aquarium
WCS/Bronx Zoo

Public support for the Urban Advantage program is provided by the New York City Department of Education.

Additional support is provided by the Leslie Allen Charitable Foundation.

The Museum’s BEEs program is supported by the Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation. 

Middle School Programming in the Gilder Center is proudly sponsored by the New York Life Foundation.