Deep Sea Vents Web List
Part of the Deep Sea Vents Curriculum Collection.
Part of the Deep Sea Vents Curriculum Collection.
National Science Foundation: Antarctica's Import Role in Global Ocean Circulation
Global climate change predictions are made based on an understanding of Antactica's role in global ocean circulation. Explore the processes that connect the deep ocean to the atmosphere "on the time scale of decades to centuries" with this Web page overview.
NeMO Explorer: Concepts
Take a dive to a deep sea volcano! This Web site offers a "deep see" look at Axial Seamount, an active submarine volcano just off the Oregon coast. This site offers a 3-D model of the sea floor, photos, drawings, and animations of hydrothermal vents and lava flows-and the incredible story of the Rumbleometer!
Texas Space Grant Consortium: Open Ocean Circulation
Take a ride on the "Global Conveyor Belt for Heat." This Web page offers an overview of global ocean circulation, including a map of global ocean currents.
U.S. Geological Society: Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
This Web site offers updates of the most recent activity of Kilauea Volcano using photographs, video, maps, diagrams, and explanatory "play-by-play" text. Check out today's news or explore archived updates.