Richard Gilder Graduate School

Alvaro Keding/© AMNH
The Richard Gilder Graduate School is located at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.

It houses two graduate programs, each the first and only freestanding program of its kind in the Western Hemisphere: the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D). in Comparative Biology and the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Earth Science residency program.

The Richard Gilder Graduate School (RGGS) also serves as the umbrella for all of the Museum’s university-level programs, including collaborative doctoral degree programs with leading universities in New York State, postdoctoral fellowships, National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) summer internships, and a series of grants programs.

Ph.D. Program in Comparative Biology

The Museum's Ph.D. program combines training in theoretical areas with hands-on work in the laboratory and unparalleled opportunities to carry out collections-based and field research; a 2:1 faculty-to-student ratio; access to a natural history collection of more than 30 million specimens and artifacts and to the largest independent natural history library in the Western Hemisphere; and opportunities to participate in Museum educational programs.

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RGGS Graduate Zac Calamari is seated on a rocky hillside, using tools to extract the skull fossil of a large perissodactyl located in Washakie Basin, Wyoming. © R. Pian
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Earth Science Residency Program

This innovative master’s degree program, designed and delivered within a natural history museum and with urban partner schools, prepares residents to teach in high-needs middle and high schools in an intensive 15-month program by combining scientific and pedagogical coursework with real-world teaching experience. ​​

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Two MAT students holding clipboards lean in to closely examine a display in the Museum's Hall of Planet Earth. Matt Shanley/© AMNH

RGGS Staff

General information: [email protected] or 212-769-5055
Office hours: Monday–Friday, 9 am–5 pm, and by appointment

Congratulations to the 2024 Graduates!

Find out more about the three doctoral graduates and their areas of study.

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The Museum expresses its utmost appreciation to Richard Gilder, a steadfast and most generous benefactor and friend whose visionary philanthropy enabled the Museum to establish the Gilder Graduate School. 

Additional support for the Richard Gilder Graduate School has been generously provided by Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Gerstner Family Foundation; the National Science Foundation; the Annette Kade Charitable Trust; and the Maxwell | Hanrahan Foundation.