
Space How Do We Apply Physics at the Scale of the Universe? with Astrophysicist Mordecai-Mark Mac Low Museum Curator Mordecai-Mark Mac Low explores how universal physics governs the tiniest and hugest things in the universe. Earth and Climate What Do Diamonds Tell Us About the Deep Earth? With Mineralogist Kate Kiseeva Natural diamonds, formed in the Earth’s molten mantle, give scientists a direct window into our planet's inner structure. Humans Lucy Was Discovered 50 Years Ago. What’s Changed from 1974 to Now? Fifty years after her discovery, Lucy remains an icon, as technology unlocks new doors to understanding human evolution.  Dinosaurs and Fossils T. rex, Triceratops, Titanosaur–What's the Difference? What are the different types of dinosaurs found in the dinosaur family tree?  Research and Collections How Do New Kinds of Telescopes Make New Discoveries? with Astrophysicist Michael Shara Museum Curator Michael Sharaexplores the evolution of telescope technology leading to a cutting-edge approach to stargazing. Dinosaurs and Fossils What is a fossil? What exactly IS a fossil? Can a fossil be a plant, or a footprint? Does a fossil have to be a dinosaur? Oceans What the Heck Is a Nudibranch? with Marine Biologist Jessica Goodheart Museum Curator Jessica Goodheart takes you on a deep dive into the wild world of these charismatic sea slugs.  Biodiversity How Mantises Became Nature’s Strangest Assassins Mantises are some of the most out-of-this-world-looking critters on Earth and they're uniquely adapted to be serious hunters. Dinosaurs and Fossils How do you name a dinosaur? Discover how paleontologists use anatomy, geography, historical figures, and even celebrities to give dinosaurs their names. Biodiversity How Ants Make Our Cities Healthier There are incredible miniature civilizations booming within our concrete jungles, making our cities healthier: ants!  Dinosaurs and Fossils Behind the Scenes in a Dinosaur Fossil Laboratory Dinosaur fossils are extracted from the Earth with hammers and chisels, but in the lab, scientists turn to newer technology. Biodiversity Why Bumble Bees Are the Fuzzy Heroes We Need Bumble bees—vital and fuzzy pollinators—face unique threats amidst global insect declines.
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