Bringing the Real World of Science to Children: A Partnership of the American Museum of Natural History and the City University of New York

A small amphibian perched on a damp surface, with four limbs, a long tail, and bright red with darker markings.


Picciano, A. G., & Steiner, R. V. (2008). Bringing the Real World of Science to Children: A Partnership of the American Museum of Natural History and the City University of New York. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (now Online Learning), 12(1). doi:10.24059/olj.v12i1.43


This article in the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks describes a partnership model between the Museum and the City University of New York designed to improve the ways in which teachers of science are prepared and professionally developed. The authors are Hunter College professor Anthony G. Picciano and Robert V. Steiner, director of the Museum's online and blended teacher education programs.


For more information contact: Robert V. Steiner [email protected]