Moving Next Generation Science Standards into Practice: A Middle School Ecology Unit and Teacher Professional Development Model

The American Museum of Natural History, the Lawrence Hall of Science, and the University of Connecticut collaborated to design, pilot, and field-test a 10-week middle school ecology unit, Disruptions in Ecosystems, and an associated professional development program that aligned with a bundle of middle school ecology Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) performance expectations and Common Core State Standards. This project provides an NGSS-designed model unit that has been used by others for teacher professional development about the Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products (EQuIP) process, as well as teacher and student assessments.

Here you can find the student book, teachers guide, teacher support materials and teacher assessment materials.

NSF grant award: #1418235

NSF grant link:


This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant # NSF DRL1418235.

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