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Ticketed Exhibitions
Davis Family Butterfly Vivarium
Invisible Worlds: Immersive Experience
The Secret World of Elephants
Worlds Beyond Earth
Included Exhibitions
Apex Stegosaurus Fossil
Extinct and Endangered: Insects in Peril
Grounded by Our Roots
Opulent Oceans
Portraits on Climate and Health: Dreams We Carry
The Changing Museum
What's in a Name?
Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation
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Evaluation, Research, & Policy
Master of Arts in Teaching
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Resources for Learning
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New Approaches to Representing Culture
Margaret Mead Festival
OLogy: The Science Website for Kids
News & Blogs
Viruses, Vaccines, and COVID-19
Science Topics
Science Topics
Climate Change
Our Research
Invertebrate Zoology
Physical Sciences
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Vertebrate Zoology
Richard Gilder Graduate School
Hayden Planetarium
Center for Biodiversity and Conservation
Institute for Comparative Genomics
Southwestern Research Station
Research Library
Darwin Manuscripts Project
Microscopy and Imaging Facility
Science Conservation
Computational Sciences
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Scientific Publications
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Open daily, 10 am–5:30 pm.
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Plan Your Visit
COVID-19 Health and Safety
Admissions and Ticketing
Museum Map
Temporary Hall Closures
Languages & Translations
Field Trips
Adult Group Visits
Guided Tours
Ticketed Exhibitions
Davis Family Butterfly Vivarium
Invisible Worlds: Immersive Experience
The Secret World of Elephants
Worlds Beyond Earth
Included Exhibitions
Apex Stegosaurus Fossil
Extinct and Endangered: Insects in Peril
Grounded by Our Roots
Opulent Oceans
Portraits on Climate and Health: Dreams We Carry
The Changing Museum
What's in a Name?
Learn & Teach
Learn & Teach
Children & Family Programs
Teen Programs
Higher Education
Adult Programs
Educator Programs
Evaluation, Research, & Policy
Master of Arts in Teaching
Online Courses for Educators
Urban Advantage
New Approaches to Representing Culture
Margaret Mead Festival
OLogy: The Science Website for Kids
News & Blogs
Viruses, Vaccines, and COVID-19
Science Topics
Our Research
Our Research
Invertebrate Zoology
Physical Sciences
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Vertebrate Zoology
Richard Gilder Graduate School
Hayden Planetarium
Center for Biodiversity and Conservation
Institute for Comparative Genomics
Southwestern Research Station
Research Library
Darwin Manuscripts Project
Microscopy and Imaging Facility
Science Conservation
Computational Sciences
Staff Directory
Scientific Publications
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Curriculum Collections
What Rocks on Your Block?
Giants of the Sea
Video and Text Passages
Analyze the Data
Online Field Journals
Make an Ecosystem Diorama
Nature Explorations
Data Visualization Google+ Hangouts
Greening of the Arctic: Online Seminar
Keeling's Curve: The Story of CO2 Google+ Hangout
Ozone’s Slow Recovery Online Seminar
Warm Forecast for Coral Reefs Online Seminar
SunScapes: Our Magnetic Star
Putting COVID-19 Vaccines to the Test
Video and Text Passages
Analyze the Data
Central Park Geology Field Guide
Earth Inside and Out
A Conversation with Jacques Malavieille
Forecasting Earthquakes Using Paleoseismology
Looking For Life In Antarctica... and on Mars
Mapping Hot Springs on the Deep Ocean Floor
Mapping Mt. Rainier
Retrieving a Stromatolite from the Sahara Desert
Studying Tree Rings to Learn About Global Climate
Ultra-High-Pressure Experimentalist Who Studies the Deep Earth
Zircon Chronology: Dating the Oldest Material on Earth
Earth: Inside and Out Glossary
Harry Hess: One of the Discoverers of Seafloor Spreading
Arthur Holmes: Harnessing the Mechanics of Mantle Convection to the Theory of Continental Drift
James Hutton: The Founder of Modern Geology
Inge Lehmann: Discoverer of the Earth's Inner Core
Milutin Milankovitch: Seeking the Cause of the Ice Ages
Cosmic Horizons
Case Study: Friedrich Bessel and the Companion of Sirius
Case Study: Gerard Kuiper and the Trans-Neptunian Comet Belt
Case Study: John Michell and Black Holes
Case Study: Fossil Microbes on Mars?
Case Study: Neutrino Observatories
Case Study: The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
Profile: Ernst Chladni and Rocks from the Sky
Profile: Georges Lemaître, Father of the Big Bang
Profile: Cecilia Payne and the Composition of the Stars
Profile: Ole Roemer and the Speed of Light
Profile: Vera Rubin and Dark Matter
Profile: Carl Sagan and the Quest for Life in the Universe
Profile: Lyman Spitzer and the Space Telescope
Profile: Fritz Zwicky's Extraordinary Vision
Profile: Harold C. Urey
Biodiversity Crisis
PROFILE: Penelope Bodry-Sanders
Case Study: The Belize Ethnobotany Reserve Project
The Biodiversity Crisis: Losing What Counts
PROFILE: Amy Vedder
PROFILE: Dolores R. Santoliquido
PROFILE: Jaime A. Pinkham
PROFILE: Jane Goodall
PROFILE: Abebe Getahun
PROFILE: Clare Flemming
PROFILE: Kevin Browngoehl
The Biodiversity Crisis: Brown-Eyed, Milk-Giving… and Extinct: Losing Mammals Since A.D. 1500*
Profile: Michael Balick
The Biodiversity Crisis: Lake Victoria
Restoration of the Elwha River by Dam Removal, Washington
The Biodiversity Crisis: St. Lucia Parrot Recovery
Wilderness Preservation Act, U.S.A.
The Green Guerillas, New York City
The Biodiversity Crisis: Jaguars
The Biodiversity Crisis: Reefs in Crisis
Antarctica: The Farthest Place Close to Home
Bacteria Evolving: Tracing the Origins of a MRSA Epidemic
Biodiversity Counts
Deep Sea Vents
Dinosaurs: Activities and Lesson Plans
Be a Sleuth: How Dinosaurs Behaved
Classifying Dinosaurs Based on Fossils
Observe a Dinosaur
Meet the Paleontologists: Jin Meng
Dinosaur Names
Grouping Dinosaurs
How Big Were Dinosaurs?
What is a Fossil?
Bigger Than You Think
Be a Trackway Detective
Dinosaur Timeline
Dinosaur Teeth
Dinosaur Name Game for Students
Create a Timeline of Earth
Explore the Family Tree of Birds
Plate Tectonics Puzzle
Relative Speed of Dinosaurs
Smaller Than You Think
Functions of Feathers
Flesh Out a Fossil
Sedimentary Layers Puzzle
Dinosaur Illustrations
Understanding Geologic Time
Understanding Cladistics
Make Your Own Liaoning Diorama
What Makes a Dinosaur a Dinosaur?
What is a Dinosaur
What Teeth Tell Us
Discovering the Universe
Pixel This!
Calculate Planetary Distances
Astronomy Books for Adults
Space Shuttle Orbiter
Space Games
Gravity: It's Universal
3-D Model of the Big Dipper
The 3-D Universe
Filtering Light
Light: Its Secrets Revealed
Digital Images: The Universe Exposed
Focal Point
Building a Simple Refracting Telescope
Gathering Light
Telescopes: Super Views from Space
Building a Spectroscope
White Light and Colored Light
Detecting UV Light
Earthquake Risk in Bangladesh
Ecology Disrupted
Exploring Bolivia's Biodiversity
Field Trip to the Moon
Field Trip to the Moon Companion Guide (for classroom and general use)
Field Trip to the Moon Companion Guide (for visitors to the American Museum of Natural History)
Field Trip to the Moon Live Presenter Script
Field Trip to the Moon Educator's Guide
Field Trip to the Moon Informal Educator's Guide
Field Trip to the Moon Student Worksheet (for visitors to the American Museum of Natural History)
Five Tools and Processes for Translating the NGSS Into Instruction and Classroom Assessment
GRACE Teaching Case
Integrating Literacy Strategies into Science Instruction
Summarizing in Science
Interactive Read-Alouds
Interactive Reading Guides
Strategies for Vocabulary Instruction
Writing a Scientific Explanation Using the Explanation Tool
NCEP Educator Resources
Patterns: Investigating Weather and Climate
Polar Climate Change Lesson Plans
Why are the Glaciers Melting?
Climate, the Cryosphere, and the Carbon Cycle
As the Arctic Goes, So Does the Rest of the Planet
Is it Getting Greener?
Climate Change and Ecosystems
How do Humans Impact Climate Change?
Dissolved CO2, Acidification, and the Effects on Marine Biomes
Impact of Increasing CO2 on the Food Web in the Arctic Ocean?
Earth's Climate System
The Carbon Cycle and its Effects on the Polar Regions
Structures & Culture
Becoming a Cultural Researcher
Analyzing Images of Culture
Multiple Cultures, Multiple Identities
When Cultures Travel
Studying the Material Culture of Three Nomadic Cultures
Looking at Our Own Cultural Artifacts
Culture as Self-Expression
Young Naturalist Awards
The Effect of Water Temperature, Water Acidity, and Animal Age and Body Size on the Opercular Respiratory Rate of Brown Bullhead Catfish
The Effectiveness of Botanical Extracts as Repellents Against Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes
Facial Expression and its Relationship to Gesture in Western Lowland Gorillas
My Fish-Shaped Home: A History of Changes
The Secret of the Fibonacci Sequence in Trees
Saguaro Cactus: From Life to Death
An Analysis of Mockingbird Nesting Behavior in Residential Areas
Butterfly Buffet: The Feeding Preferences of Painted Ladies
Investigating the Effects of Water Pollution on Daphnia magna
Are Dogs' Tongues Really Cleaner Than Humans'?
Bacterial Activity in Different Water Sources: A Sequel Comparative Study
Mango Skins: An Effective Organic Pest Deterrent
Afpectus Lunae: Does the Moon Rotate on Its Axis?
Plant Extracts as Natural Insecticides
Goldfish as a Model for Understanding Learning and Memory: More Complex Than You Think
The History and Geology of Rocks and Fossils in Helena, Montana
Using Plant-Based Biofilters to Purify Household Wastewater
Explaining the Divergence of the Marine Iguana Subspecies on Espanola
Shaped by Nature and Man: The Geological History of the Palisades
From Uplift to Glaciation: The Geological History of the Pikes Peak Region
Analyze the Data
Part of the
Giants of the Sea
Curriculum Collection
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Analyze the Data
Part of the
Giants of the Sea
Curriculum Collection.
Use your new understanding of life underwater to interpret data on how whales get the food they need to survive.
Twelve-hour dive profiles for two blue whales
Two-hour dive profile for one blue whale
Single dive profile for one blue whale
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