Integrating Literacy Strategies into Science Instruction
Part of Curriculum Collections.
With the adoption of the Common Core State Standards by several states, teachers across the academic disciplines have been called on to support students in attending to literacy tasks in their subjects in a more intensive way. Science teachers, trained to be content specialists, benefit from receiving professional development in how to explicitly use literacy strategies to support their students’ content understanding. In response to this need, The American Museum of Natural History designed and implemented a series professional development workshops that showed teachers how to integrate literacy strategies into their science instruction. The videos, produced by AMNH, feature teachers who have experienced this professional development at the Museum. The videos capture teachers in their actual classrooms, utilizing literacy strategies within their science lessons. These strategies can be applied to any science content area. The goal of these videos is to paint a picture of the use of literacy strategies to support students’ science content learning in the classroom.
For more information contact Dora Kastel at [email protected].
Literacy Strategies
These resources were developed with the generous support of The Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation.