Parts of a Spider: Ventral View of Female Spider
Part of the Biodiversity Counts Curriculum Collection.
Part of the Biodiversity Counts Curriculum Collection.
Chelicera: The first pair of appendages which in spiders has become modified into a stout basal part and a smaller distal segment, the fang.
Fang: The moveable distal segment of the chelicera, used to inject venom into prey.
Endite: The expanded base of the pedipalp used to filter particles from the spider's liquid diet.
Labium: A small plate forming the back edge of the mouth.
Sternum: A plate covering the ventral cephalothorax.
Coxa: The first element of the walking leg.
Lung slit: The external entrance to the book lungs.
Epigynum: The external female genitalia or sex organs.
Spinnerets: Fleshy finger-like appendages which emit silk from tiny spigots at their tips. Most spiders have three pair; anterior, median and posterior.