Herbert Spencer Cyclopedia

The Herbert Spencer Cyclopedia is the result of 50 years of work by American Museum of Natural History anthropologist Robert Carneiro. 

Asked to write an introduction to a scholarly edition of Spencer’s Principles of Sociology, Carneiro became fascinated by Spencer and increasingly began to notice scholars quoting Spencer on a variety of subjects. Carneiro began collecting the quotes and organizing them by topic. Enormously popular in the 19th century (a mountain peak in California and a street in New York City were named after him), Spencer went into eclipse in the 20th century and only recently, the depth and breadth of Spencer's ideas come once again to be appreciated. This unique collection and presentation of Spencer material seeks to redress the absence of this scholar’s thought from traditional anthropological work and offer a resource for and inspire future research into Spencer’s work.

Portrait of Robert Carneiro
Robert Carneiro, Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History - ©AMNH

The Spencer Cyclopedia collection is comprised of three parts. At the heart of this collection is Carneiro’s extensive eleven volume Spencer Quote Albums of quotations by and about Spencer collected over five decades and organized by subject. The digitized albums are now searchable and browsable by topic. The second and third parts of the collection are comprised of Carneiro’s reprint file of nearly 250 scholarly articles by or about Spencer and the American Museum of Natural History’s Library’s growing collection of books relating to Spencer.

To access the Spencer Quote Albums, use the alphabet below to navigate to subject topics or browse the list of Carneiro-designated topics below. To search the content of the entire Spencer Quote Albums, download a pdf file here.

View a list of Herbert Spencer Reprint Files.

See a list of the Library’s Herbert Spencer Collection monographic holdings relating to Spencer.

Appointments are necessary to access to the Spencer Reprint Files and Spencer Quote Albums, an archival collection, part of the Museum Archives. Please visit the Museum Archives to set up an appointment.

No appointment is needed to access the Library’s Herbert Spencer Collection monographic holdings. Individual items may be paged for visitors during the Library’s public hours.




























Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 1, 1

Spencer, Herbert. The proper sphere of government. Letter I. The nonconformist, 1842, no. 62, p. 410-411.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 1, 2

Spencer, Herbert. The proper sphere of government. Letter II. The nonconformist, 1842, p. 427.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 1, 3

Spencer, Herbert. The proper sphere of government. Letter III. The nonconformist, 1842, p. 474-475.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 1, 4

Spencer, Herbert. The proper sphere of government. Letter IV. The nonconformist, 1842, p. 506-507 and 537-538.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 1, 5

Spencer, Herbert. The proper sphere of government. Letter V. The nonconformist, 1842, p. 603, 1842.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 1, 6

Spencer, Herbert. The proper sphere of government. Letter VI. The nonconformist, Sept. 21, 1842, p. 634-635.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 1, 7

Spencer, Herbert. The proper sphere of government. Letter VII. The nonconformist, Oct. 19, 1842, p. 634-635.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 1, 8

Spencer, Herbert. Remarks upon the theory of reciprocal dependence in the animal and vegetable creations, as regards it bearing upon paleontology. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine and journal of science, 1844, v. 24, p. 90-94.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 1, 9

Spencer, Herbert. A theory of population, deduced from the general law of animal fertility. The Westminster review, 1852, v. 54, p. 468-501.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 1, 10

Thomson, William. On a universal tendency in nature to the dissipation of mechanical energy. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 1852, v. 3, no. 42, p. 139-142.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 1, 11

Spencer, Herbert. A theory of population [excerpt]. The Westminster review, 1852, v. 57, p. 500.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 1, 12

Spencer, Herbert. The use of anthropomorphism. The Leader, Nov. 5, 1853, p. 1076-1077.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 2, 13

Spencer, Herbert. A letter from Mr. Herbert Spencer. The New Englander, v. 23 (1864), p. 169-171 (2 copies).

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 2, 14

Spencer, Herbert. Illustrations of universal progress: a series of discussions [preface], 1864. Illustrations of universal progress, text partially cropped, p. Xxiii-xiv. D. Appleton and Company.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 2, 15

Spencer, Herbert. Education, intellectual, moral and physical [advertisement], 1864. Illustrations of universal progress, text partially cropped, p. i-viii, at end. D. Appleton and Company.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 2, 16

Spencer, Herbert. American notice of a new system of philosophy, 1864. Illustrations of universal progress, text partially cropped, p. v-xxii. D. Appleton and Company.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 2, 17

Bain, Alexander; Spencer, Herbert. Mental and moral science, 1868, 2nd ed. Longmans.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 2, 18

[Editor of The Nation]. Herbert Spencer's Reputation. The nation, v. 8 (May 20, 1869), p. 394-395.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 2, 19

Spencer, Herbert. Mental evolution. The contemporary review, 1871, v. 17, p. 461-462.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 2, 20

Tyndall, John. A correction--letter from Prof. Tyndall, Popular science monthly, v. 3 (June 1873), 1875, p. 241-243.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 2, 21

[reviewer unidentified]. Descriptive sociology, or Groups of sociological facts, classified and arranged by Herbert Spencer. Part 1. … [review]. The British quarterly review, 1873, v. 58, p. 572-573.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 2, 22

Tylor, E. B. Spencer's Descriptive sociology [review]. Nature, v. 8 (Oct. 30, 1873), p. 544-547.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 3, 23

The international scientific series. The study of sociology, by Herbert Spencer. [review]. International review, 1874, v. 1, p. 407-413.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 3, 24

Amberley, John Russell, Viscount. Spencer's "study of sociology" [review]. The examiner, Jan. 10, 1874, p. 37-38.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 3, 25

Sully, James. Mr. Spencer's Essays [review]. The examiner, July 4, 1874, p. 710-711.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 3, 26

Youmans, Edward L. Herbert Spencer and the doctrine of evolution. Cazelles, E. M. Outline of the evolution-philosophy, 1875, p. 120. D. Appleton and Company.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 3, 27

Carpenter, William B. Carpenter, Principles of mental physiology, 1875, p. 228-229. D. Appleton and Company.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 3, 28

Bain, Alexander. The principles of sociology, by Herbert Spencer [review]. Mind, 1876, v. 1, p. 128-131.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 3, 29

Herbert Spencer's sociology. British quarterly review, v. 63 (Jan. 1876), p. 1-20.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 3, 30

[artist unidentified]. Herbert Spencer [portrait]. Frontispiece of Popular science monthly, Mar. 1876, opposite p. 513, to illustrate Sketch of Herbert Spencer [by E.L. Youmans], on p. 620-626.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 3, 31

The worship of ancestors [review of Spencer's Principles of sociology, v. 1]. The Pall Mall gazette, Feb. 1, 1877, p. 11-12.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 4, 32

J.H.A. The principles of sociology, by Herbert Spencer [review]. The radical review, v. 1 (1877-78), p. 352-357.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 4, 33

Patterson, J. Stahl. Spencer's unknowable as the basis of religion. The radical review, v. 1 (1877-78), p. 419-442.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 4, 34

James, William. Herbert Spencer's Data of ethics. [review]. The Nation, 1879, v. 28, no. 741, p. 178-179.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 4, 35

Gundry, A. W. Spencer's Data of ethics. [review]. Rose-Belford's Canadian monthly and national review, 1879, v. 3, p. 646-650.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 4, 36

Jehu Junior [i.e. Thomas Gibson Bowles]. Men of the day. No. CXCVIII, Mr. Herbert Spencer. Vanity fair, Apr. 26, 1879, p. 241 and facing plate.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 4, 37

Le Sueur, Wm. D. Mr. Spencer and his critics. Rose-Belford's Canadian monthly and national review, 1880, v. 4, p. 166-171.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 4, 38

Tylor, Edward B. Anthropology [preface], 1881, p. vi-vii. D. Appleton and Company.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 4, 39

De Morgan, Sophia Elizabeth. Memoir of Augustus De Morgan, 1882, p. 162-163. Longmans, Green and Co., London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 4, 40

Evolutionists at dinner: a compliment to Herbert Spencer. New York tribune, Nov. 10, 1882, p. 2.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 5, 41

Report of Mr. Spencer's Interview. Herbert Spencer on the Americans and the Americans on Herbert Spencer, 1883, p. 9-20. D. Appleton and Co.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 5, 42

Spencer, Herbert. Herbert Spencer on the Americans, and the Americans on Herbert Spencer, 1883. D. Appleton and Company.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 5, 43

Spencer, Herbert. Descriptive sociology… extracts from the provisional preface. Advertisement at end of First principles,1884, 4th edition. Williams & Norgate, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 6, 44

Proctor, Richard A. Herbert Spencer as a thinker. The open court, v. 1, no. 6 (Apr. 28, 1887) p. 145-147.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 6, 45

Tönnies, F. Herbert Spencer's sociologisches Werk. Philosophische Monatschrift, 1889, v. 125, p. 50-85.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 6, 46

Ritchie, David G. Mr. Spencer's individualism [and] The State versus Mr. Herbert Spencer. Ritchie, The principles of state interference, 1891, p. 45-48 & 75-77. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 6, 47

Robertson, John M.; Herbert Spencer. Robertson, Modern humanists, 1891, p. 212-260. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 7, 48

Wakeman, T. B. The last phase of Herbert Spencer's philosophy. The open court, no. 207 (Aug. 13, 1891), p. 2907-2911.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 7, 49

James, Lewis G. Philosophical agnosticism and monism: the psychological test. With: Agnosticism in "The monist." By Ellis Thurtell, and Spencerian agnosticism, by P.C. [Paul Carus]. The open court, no. 212 (Sept. 17, 1891), p. 2947-2957.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 7, 50

James, Lewis G. Herbert Spencer's philosophy. With: The case of agnosticism revised, by P.C. [Paul Carus]. The open court, no. 217 (Oct. 22, 1891), p. 2991-2997.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 7, 51

Hudson, William H. Herbert Spencer and the synthetic philosophy. The popular science monthly, v. 41, May 1892, p. 1-16.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 7, 52

Marett, R. R. The ethics of industrialism: a criticism of Mr. Herbert Spencer's "justice." Economic review, 1892, v. 2, p. 342-350.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 7, 53

Spencer, Herbert. Mr. Herbert spencer and Mr. Renan: an interesting letter. [Transcript of a letter by Spencer published in the Figaro]. The Pall Mall gazette, v.55, no. 8606 (Oct. 20, 1892), p. 6.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 7, 54

Spencer, Herbert. The late professor Tyndall. The fortnightly review, 1894, v. 61, p. 141-148.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 8, 55

Allen, Grant. To Herbert Spencer [poem]. Allen, The lower slopes, 1894, p. 45-47. Elkin Mathews & John Lane, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 8, 56

Gingell, Julia Raymond. [Explanation of cover symbol of Spencer's hardcover books]. Aphorisms from the writings of Herbert Spencer, 1894, 2nd edition*, p. [vi-vii]. Chapman and Hall, London. (*probably also in 1st edition, also published in 1894).

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 8, 57

Allen, Grant. To Herbert Spencer [poem]. Allen, The lower slopes, 1894, p. 45-47. Elkin Mathews & John Lane, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 8, 58

The principles of sociology, by Herbert Spencer. Vol. III [review]. The Athenaeum, v. 108, no. 3608 (Dec. 19, 1896), p. 865-866.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 8, 59

Giddings, Franklin H. Spencer's Principle of sociology. Vol. III [review]. Science, new ser., 1897, v. 5, p.732-733.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 8, 60

Spencer, Herbert. Descriptive sociology… extracts from the provisional preface, 1897. Advertisement at end of F. Howard Collins's Epitome of the synthetic philosophy of Herbert Spencer. Williams & Norgate, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 8, 61

Gunton, George. Spencer's last book. Gunton magazine, v. 12 (May 1897), p. 291-304.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 8, 62

Didden, R. A German appreciation of Herbert Spencer. The Westminster review, 1897, v. 148, p. 604-610.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 8, 63

Spencer, Herbert. Epitome of the synthesic philosophy of Herbert Spencer [preface]. Spencer, Epitome of the synthesic philosophy of Herbert Spencer, 1897, p. vii-xi [p. vii missing]. Williams & Norgate, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 8, 64

Spencer, Herbert. The principles of sociology. 2 volumes. [Bibliographical references sections only], 1897. D. Appleton and Company, New York.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 8, 65

Herbert Spencer's last volume: The principle of sociology, Vol. III [review]. The critic, v. 30 (Jan. 9, 1897), p. 19.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 8, 66

Henderson, C. R. Mr. Herbert Spencer's final volume. [review]. The dial, v. 22 (Jan. 16, 1897), p. 45-47.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 9, 67

The principles of sociology, by Herbert Spencer. Vol. III [review]. The nation, v. 64 (Mar. 11, 1897), p. 191.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 9, 68

Berry, Arthur. Berry, A short history of astronomy, 1898, p. 320-322, 337-339, 400-402, 405-409. John Murray, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 9, 69

Ward, James. Ward, Naturalism and agnosticism, 1899, v. 1, p. 198-205. Adam and Charles Black, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 9, 70

McCarthy, Justin. McCarthy, Reminiscences, 1899, v. 2, p. 320-322. Chatto & Windus, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 9, 71

Ferri, Enrico. Letter to La riforma, which had printed a letter addressed by Spencer to M. Fiorentino in its June 19, 1895 issue. Ferri, E. socialism and modern science (Darwin, Spencer, Marx), 1900. International Library Pub. Co.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 9, 72

Spencer, Herbert. [Letter dated 22nd Oct. '85]. Clodd, Edward. Grant Allen, a memoir, 1900, p. 126-127. Grant Richards, London (2 copies).

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 9, 73

Spencer, Herbert. [Letter dated 20th Feb. 1897]. Clodd, Edward. Grant Allen, a memoir, 1900, p. 174-176. Grant Richards, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 9, 74

Macpherson, Hector. Macpherson, Spencer and Spencerism, 1900, p. 103-104. Doubleday, Page & Co. (2 copies).

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 9, 75

Pearson, Karl. Spencer's classification. Pearson, The grammar of science, 1900, 2nd ed., p. 510-513. Adam and Charles Black, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 9, 76

Spencer, Herbert. [Letters to Mrs. Lynn Linton, dated 6th June, 1894 and 3rd Sept. 1894]. Layard, George Somes. Mrs. Lynn Linton, her life, letters and opinions, 1901, p. 310-312. Methuen & Co., London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 9, 77

Frankland, Edward. The X Club. Sketches from the life of Edward Frankland, edited by his two daughters, 1902, p. 148-163. Spottiswoode & Co.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 9, 78

Herbert Spencer: a portrait. Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 175 (Jan. 1904), p. 100-116.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 10, 79

Gribble, Francis. Herbert Spencer: his autobiography and his philosophy. The fortnightly review, 1904, v. 81, p. 984-995.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 10, 80

Collier, James. Reminiscences of Herbert Spencer. Royce, Josiah. Herbert Spencer: an estimate and review, 1904, p. 187-234. Fox, Duffield & Co., New York.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 10, 81

Herbert Spencer notes. The liberal review, 1904, v. 1, p. 18-21.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 10, 82

Allen, Grant. Personal reminiscences of Herbert Spencer. The forum, v. 35, July 1903-June 1904, p. 610-628.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 10, 83

Lowie, Robert H. Tolstoi or Spencer? The liberal review, v. 1, no. 9 (Oct. 1904), p. 515-520.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 10, 84

Spencer, Herbert. Unpublished letters. The independent, 1904, v. 56, p. 998-1005, 1169-1174, 1471-1478.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 11, 85

James, William. Herbert Spencer, born 1820 died 1903. The critic, 1904, v. 44, p. 21-24.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 11, 86

[artist unidentified, possibly E.J. Boehm]. Herbert Spencer when 76 [bust]. Frontispiece of Popular science monthly, Jan. 1904, opposite p. 195, to accompany spencer's obituary, p. 282-283.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 11, 87

White, William Allen. The natural history of a gentleman: being the autobiography of Mr. Herbert Spencer. The Saturday evening post, July 23, 1904, p. 13-15.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 11, 88

Mariupolsky, Phil. L. Mariupolsky, Die philosophische Begründung der Evolutionstheorie Herbert Spencer's, 1904, p. 1, 136-144. Frenckellska Tryckeri-Aktiebolaget, Helsingfors.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 11, 89

Hudson, William Henry. Chronological list of Spencer's writings. Hudson, W.H. An introduction to the philosophy of Herbert Spencer, 1906. Rev. ed. Watts & Co., London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 12, 90

Two (two of Spencer's sisters). Home life with Herbert Spencer, 1906. J.W. Arrowsmith, Bristol.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 91

Compayré, Gabriel. Herbert Spencer and scientific education [frontispiece and title-page only], 1907. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., New York.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 92

Priestly, Lady Eliza. The story of a lifetime, 1908, p. 236-237. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 93

Tollemache, Lionel A. Old and odd memories, 1908, p. 292-296. Edward Arnold, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 94

Wallace, Alfred R. The unity of the stellar universe. Man's place in the universe, 1908, p. 100-103. Chapman and Hall, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 95

Duncan, David. Life and letters of Herbert Spencer, 1908, v. 1, p. 82-83, 264-265, 272-273, 284-287, 356-359, 394-395. D. Appleton and Company (possibly Williams and Norgate, 1911).

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 96

Duncan, David. Life and letters of Herbert Spencer, 1908, v. 2, p. 140-141, 146-147 and v. 3, p. 320-321. D. Appleton and Company (possibly Williams and Norgate, 1911).

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 97

Galton, Francis. Memories of my life, 1909, p. 167-168, 178-179. E.P. Dutton and Company, New York.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 98

Clodd, Edward. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903). Clodd, E. Memories, 1916, p. 50-53. Chapman & Hall, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 99

Morley, John, Viscount. Herbert Spencer. Morley, Recollections, 1917, v. 1, p. 110-116. Macmillan & Co., London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 100

Sully, James. Herbert Spencer. Sully, J. My life and friends, 1918, p. 288-295.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 101

Huxley, Leonard. Life and letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, 1918, p. 538-546. D. Appleton & Co.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 102

Kroeber, A. L. The possibility of a social psychology [excerpt]. The American journal of sociology, 1918, v. 23, p. 642-645.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 103

Ward, Lester F. Ward, Glimpses of the cosmos, 1918, v. 6, p. 302-303.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 104

Carnegie, Andrew. Herbert Spencer and his disciple. Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1920.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 105

Shipley, Maynard. Forty years of a scientific friendship. The open court, v. 34, p. 252-255, 1920.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 13, 106

Goldenweiser, Alexander A. Spencerian philosophy in 1920. The freeman, v. 1 (May 19, 1920), p. 228-229.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 14 , 107

Neilson, Francis and Albert Jay Nock. The freeman, v. 1 (May 19, 1920), p. 219.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 14 , 108

Barnes, Harry E. Some typical contributions of English sociology to political theory. The American journal of sociology, v. 27, no. 3 (Nov. 1921), p. 289-324.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 14 , 109

Raymond, E. T. Herbert Spencer. Portraits of the nineties, 1921, p. 111-112. T. Fisher Unwin, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 14 , 110

Bernard, L. L. Herbert Spencer: the man and his age. South Atlantic quarterly, 1922, v. 21, p. 241-251.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 14 , 111

Spencer, Herbert; De Morgan, William. [Three letters, dated June 8, 1880, Sept. 3, 1881 and Sept. 20, 1881]. Stirling, A. M. W. William De Morgan and his wife, 1922, p. 109-111. Henry Holt and Company, New York.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 14 , 112

Hind, C. Lewis. More authors and I, 1922, p. 270-271. Dodd, Mead and Company, New York.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 14 , 113

Small, Albion W. Small, Origins of sociology, 1924, p. 325 [or 326]. University of Chicago Press.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 14 , 114

Spencer, Herbert. [Two letters, dated Oct. 4 ? And Feb. 28, 1884]. Starr, Harris E. William Graham Sumner, 1925, p. 503-505. Henry Holt and Company, New York (p. 503 mainly illegible)

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 14 , 115

House, Floyd N. The concept of "social forces" in American sociology [excerpt]. The American journal of sociology, 1925, v. 31, p. 151-153.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 14 , 116

Moore, George. Evelyn Innes, 1927, p. 300. D. Appleton and Company.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 14 , 117

Werner, E. T. C. An autobiographical note. Autumn leaves, an autobiography. Kelly & Walsh, Shanghai, 1928.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 14 , 118

Stern, Bernhard J. Lewis Henry Morgan: American ethnologist. Social forces, v. 6, no. 3 (Mar. 1928), p. 344-357.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 119

Robertson, J. M. A history of free thought in the nineteenth century, 1929, p. 355-370. Watts & Co., London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 120

Galton, Francis. Galton's characterization of Herbert Spencer. The life, letters and labours of Francis Galton, 1930, v. 3B, p. 626-628.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 121

Burr, Anna Robeson. Weir Mitchell, his life and letters, 1930, p. 210-211. Duffield & Company.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 122

Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen. My diaries, 1932, p. 297, 317-319, 326, 333, 342, 410-411, 480-482, 497 and 514. Martin Secker, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 123

[photographer unidenfied]. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), (Keystone View Co.) [oval photograph]. Hendrick, Burton J. The life of Andrew Carnegie, 1932, v. 2, facing p. 286 or near there. Doubleday, Doran & Company, New York.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 124

Cavenagh, Francis Alexander. Herbert Spencer on education [introduction], 1932, p. vii-xxxii. Cambridge University Press.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 125

Pollock, Frederick. For my grandson: remembrances of an ancient Victorian, 1933, p. 97-98. John Murray, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 126

Hearnshaw, F. J. C. Herbert Spencer and the individualists [excerpt]. The social and political ideas of some representative thinkers of the Victorian age, 1933, p. 74-75. George G. Harrap & Co., London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 127

Milne, James. The memoirs of a bookman, 1934, p. 96-99. John Murray, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 128

Troughton, Walter. Herbert Spencer's last years. The rationalist annual, 1938, p. 59-65.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 129

Tylor, Edward B. [Letter to Dr. Westermark, dated Oct. 23, 1891]. Wikman, K. Rob. V., Letters from Edward B. Tylor and Alfred Russel Wallace to Edward Westermark. In Acta Academiae Aboensis. Humaniora, 1940, v. 13, no. 7, p. 9-10.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 130

Bernard, L.L. & Jessie Bernard. An early New York group of laissez faire advocates. Bernard, L.L. & J. Bernard. Origins of American sociology, 1943. Thomas Crowell Co.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 15, 131

Bernard, L. L. and Jessie Bernard. Origins of American sociology, 1943, p. 148-160. Thomas Crowell Co., New York.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 132

Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. Evolution, social or cultural? American anthropologist, 1947, v. 49, p. 78-83.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 133

Brown, Alan Willard. Brown, The Metaphysical Society: Victorian minds in crisis, 1869-1880, p. 24-25. Columbia University Press, 1947.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 134

Brown, Alan Willard. The Metaphysical Society: Victorian minds in crisis, 1869-1880, p. 43-47. Columbia University Press, 1947.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 135

Köbben, André J. New ways of presenting an old idea: the statistical method in social anthropology [excerpt]. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 1952, v. 82, p. 130.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 136

Nagai, Michio. Herbert Spencer in early Meiji Japan. Far Eastern quarterly, 1954, v. 14, p. 55-64.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 137

Irvine, William. Apes, angels, and Victorians, 1955, p. 208-209, 333-334, 349-350, 377, 385-387. McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 138

Pizer, Donald. Herbert Spencer and the genesis of Hamplin Garland's critical system. Tulane studies in English, v. 7, p. 153-168, 1957.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 139

Magoun, Horace W. Concept of brain function in Northwestern Medical School's century. Northwestern University Medical School quarterly bulletin, 1959, v. 33, p. 322-332

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 140

Medawar, P.B. Onwards from Spencer: evolution and evolutionism. Encounter, v. 21, no. 3 (Sept. 1963), p. 35-43.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 141

Nietzsche, Friedrich. The will to power, 1964, v. 1, p. 51 Russell & Russell, New York.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 142

Goldthorpe, John H. Herbert Spencer. New society, Nov. 5, 1964, p. 25-26.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 143

J. N. List of Herbert Spencer lectures delivered since 1932 [mimeographed typescript, dated January 2, 1966, with 2 entries added subsequently]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 144

Leroy, Jean F. Naudin, Spencer et Darwin dans l'histoire des theories de l'heredite. Actes du Congrès international d'histoire des sciences, 1967, v. 5, p. 64-69.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 16, 145

Young, Robert M. The development of Herbert Spencer's concept of evolution. Actes du Xie Congres international d'histoire des sciences, 1967, v. 2, p. 273-278.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 17, 146

Brush, Stephen G. Herbert Spencer and the dissipation of energy. [Section of article entitled Thermodynamics and history] The graduate journal, 1967, v. 7, p. 511-514, 551 & 553.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 17, 147

University Presses of Chicago, Columbia & Yale. [Advertisement of recent publications] [1 sheet], 1967.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 17, 148

Carneiro, Robert L. Editor's introduction. The evolution of society: selection's from Herbert Spencer's Principles of sociology, edited with an introduction by Robert L. Carneiro, 1967, p. ix-lvii. University of Chicago Press.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 17, 149

Eisen, Sydney. Frederic Harrison and Herbert Spencer: embattled unbelievers. Victorian studies, v. 12, no. 1 (Sept. 1968).

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 17, 150

Clark, Ronald W. The family tree, showing the first three generations descending from T.H. Huxley. Clark, The Huxleys, 1968, p. 376-377. Heinemann, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 17, 151

Young, Robert M. The functions of the brain: Gall to Ferrier (1808-1886) [excerpt]. Isis, 1968, v. 59, p. 259-261.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 17, 152

Williams, David. Thick-set Sybil [review of George Eliot, by Gordon S. Haight. Punch, Jan. 8, 1969, p. 69-70.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 17, 153

Masters, Edgar Lee. Across Spoon river, 1969, p. 85. Octagon Books, New York.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 17, 154

Sharpley, Anne. The paradox of Marx and Spencer corner. Evening standard, June 16, 1969, p. 11.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 17, 155

MacLeod, Roy M. The X-Club, a social network of science in late-Victorian England. Notes and records of the Royal Society of London, 1970, v. 24, no. 2, p. 305-322.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 18, 156

Jensen, J. Vernon. The X Club: fraternity of Victorian scientists. The British journal for the history of science, 1970, v. 5, p. 62-72.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 18, 157

Spencer, Herbert. [Letter to Charles Darwin, dated Feb. 22, 1860]. Sir Charles Lyell's scientific journals on the species question, 1970, p. 353-354 & 397. Yale University Press (2 copies, one lacks p. 397 but photocopy of p. 353-354 is better)

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 18, 158

French, Richard D. Darwin and the physiologists, or The medusa and modern cardiology. [excerpt] Journal of the history of biology, 1970, v. 3, p. 258-260.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 18, 159

Andreski, Stanislav. The case for war. Time, Mar. 9, 1970, p. 46-47.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 18, 160

De Vos, P. J. Herbert Spencer as positivist-organicist: contradictions in his theories. Fort Hare University Press, 1971.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 18, 161

Nisbet, Robert. Herbert Spencer: the evolution of a sociologist [review]. The New York Times book review, Sept. 26, 1971, p. 36 & 38.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 18, 162

Halliday, R. J. Social Darwinism: a definition. Victorian studies, June, 1971, p. 389-405.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 18, 163

Carneiro, Robert L. The devolution of evolution. Social biology, v. 19, Sept. 1972.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 18, 164

Gross, John. Viewpoint. T.L.S., no. 3673 (July 21, 1972), [1 page, page number unidentified].

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 18, 165

Shenker, Israel. Popular science, at 100, still advises: do it yourself. The New York times, Apr. 25, 1972, p. 45.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 19, 166

Rogers, T. D. Hand-list of the Herbert Spencer papers (Ms. 791) deposited in the University of London Library by the Athenaeum, 1972,

[photocopy of typescript] Oversized, legal stored at the back of the box.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 20, 167

Ellman, Richard. Dorothea's husbands: some biographical speculations [excerpt]. The Times literary supplement, Feb. 16, 1973, p. 165.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 20, 168

Bloom, Robert l. Letters: would Marx tell Spencer? [letter to the editor]. The New York times, Oct. 20, 1974 [unidentified page].

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 20, 169

Moffat, Mary Jane & Charlotte Painter, editors. George Eliot (1819-1880) Revelations: diaries of women, 1974, p. 181-186. Random House, New York.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 20, 170

Schoenwald, Richard L. "G. Eliot's 'love' letters": unpublished letters from George Eliot to Herbert Spencer, p. 362-371 [missing p. 369-370 and most of p. 364]. Bulletin of the New York Public Library, 1976, v. 79, p. 366-

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 20, 171

Avrith, Gale. Herbert Spencer and social evolution in the nineteenth century: a re-evaluation of his role in the history of anthropology [thesis proposal], 1977.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 20, 172

Bannister, Robert C. Hushing up death. Social Darwinism: science and myth in Anglo-American social thought, 1979, p. 34-56 and 256-258.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 20, 173

Buttigieg, Joseph A. Individual freedom in a structured universe: Spencer, Galsworthy and The man of property. Research studies, v. 48, no. 4 (Dec. 1980), p. 198-209.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 174

Cadogan, Mary. Herbert Van Thal, Eliza Lynn Linton [review]. Books and bookmen, Jan. 1980, p. 61.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 175

Avrith, Gale. James G. Kennedy, Herbert Spencer. Boston: G.K. Hall, Twayne, 1978 [review and rebuttal]. Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences, v. 18, issue 2 (Apr. 1982), p. 190-192.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 176

Desmond, Adrian. Huxley, Spencer, & Owen. Desmond, Archetypes and ancestors, 1982, p. 95-101. Blond & Briggs, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 177

Morrison, Rodney J. Henry C. Carey and American economic development [excerpt]. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 1986, v. 76, pt. 3, p. 21

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 178

Lodise, Carmen. My visit to Marx's tomb. Isla Vista free press, Oct. 14, 1987, p. 11.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 179

Turner, Jonathan H. & Alexandra R. Maryanski. Sociology's lost human relations area files. Sociological perspectives, v. 31, no. 1 (Jan. 1988), p. 19-34.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 180

Greene, John C.Darwinism and moral purpose. [Review of Darwinism and the emergence of evolutionary theories of mind and behavior, by Robert J. Richards]. Science, v. 239, Jan. 8, 1988 [offprint].

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 181

Paul, Diane B. The selection of the "survival of the fittest." Journal of the history of science, v. 21, no. 3 (fall 1988), p. 411-424.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 182

Darwin, Charles. [Letter to Herbert Spencer, Mar. 11, 1856]. Burkhardt, Frederick and Sydney Smith (editors), The correspondence of Charles Darwin, 1990, v. 6, p. 56-57. Cambridge University Press.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 183

Perrin, Robert G. In search of Mr. Herbert Spencer. Tennessee sociologue, v. 1, no. 1 (May 1990), p. 3-4 and 8.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 184

Cord, Steven B. Herbert Spencer and land-rent ownership. Incentive taxation, July-Aug. 1990, p. 2-3.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 185

Ingold, Tim. A specious theory of origins [review of Social evolutionism: a critical history, by Stephen K. Sanderson]. The Times higher education supplement, Feb. 11, 1990, p. 18.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 186

Gayon, Jean. "Natural selection" versus "survival of the fittest" [part of article entitled: Critics and criticisms of the modern synthesis]. Hecht, Max, et al. (editors). Evolutionary biology, 1990, v. 24, p. 19-21. Plenum Press, New York.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 187

Laurent, John. Roots of "superorganism" [letter to the editor about Thomas D. Seeley's 1989 article and Seeley's reply]. American scientist, v. 78 (May-June 1990), p. 197.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 188

Bocking, Stephen. Stephen Forbes, Jacob Reighard, and the emergence of aquatic ecology in the Great Lakes region. [excerpt]. Journal of the history of biology, v. 23, no. 3 (Fall 1990), p. 461, 465-466.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 21, 189

Haines, Valerie A. Spencer, Darwin, and the question of reciprocal influence. Journal of the history of biology, v. 24, no. 3 (Fall 1991), p. 409-431 (2 copies)

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 22, 190

Jensen, J. Vernon. Communications with close friends: the X Club. Jensen, Thomas Henry Huxley, 1991, p. 143-165 and 224-227. University of Delaware Press.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 22, 191

Stocking, George W. Ethnographic classification and the science of progress. History of anthropology newsletter, 1991, v. 18, no. 2, p. 4-6.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 22, 192

Perrin, Robert G. Émile Durkheim's The division of labour and the shadow of Herbert Spencer, 1991, [computer printout, p. 24]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 22, 193

Haight, Gordon S.; Eliot, George. The new Encyclopaedia britannica, 15th ed., 1992, v. 4, p. 449-451. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chicago.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 22, 194

Graber, Robert Bates. Henry Spencer and George Eliot: some corrections and implications. George Eliot-George Henry Lewes studies, no. 22/23 (Sept. 1993), p. 69-83.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 22, 195

Godfrey, Laurie. Darwinian, Spencerian, and modern perspectives on progress in biological evolution. Ela' qua: essays in honor of Richard B. Woodbury, 1993, p. 29-42. Dept. of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 22, 196

Small, Albion W. The era of sociology [excerpts]. The American journal of sociology, 1994, v. 100, no. 1, p. xvi-xx [reprint of v. 1, no. 1 (July 1895), p. 8-12]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 22, 197

Gay, Hannah. No 'heathen's corner' here: the failed campaign to memorialize Herbert Spencer in Westminster Abbey. BJHS, 1998, v. 31, p. 41-54.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 22, 198

Gayon, Jean. The ontology of selection [excerpts]. Darwinism's struggle for survival: heredity and the hypothesis of natural selection, 1998, p. 66-67, 248-249, 408-409, 418-421. Cambridge University Press.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 23, 199jf

Offer, John. Spencer's future of welfare: a vision eclipsed. The sociological review, v. 47, no. 1 (Feb. 1999), p. 136-162.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 23, 200

Gay, Hannah. Explaining the universe: Herbert Spencer's attempt to synthesize political and evolutionary ideas. Endeavour, 1999, v. 23, no. 2, p. 56-59.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 23, 201

Rizzo, Mario J. The coming slavery: the determinism of Herbert Spencer. Review of Austrian economics, 1999, v. 12, p. 115-130.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 23, 202

Howland, Douglas. Society reified: Herbert Spencer and political theory in early Meiji Japan. Comparative studies in society and history, 2000, v. 42, p. 67-86.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 23, 203

Secord, James A. Victorian sensation: the extraordinary publication, reception and secret authorship of Vestiges of the natural history of creation, 2000, p. 338-339, 480-481, 486-489. University of Chicago Press.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 23, 204

New York University, School of Continuing and Professional Studies. "Education has for its object the formation of character"--Herbert Spencer, 1820-1903 [advertisement]. The New York Times magazine, Oct. 6, 2002, p. 140.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 23, 205

Zastoupil, Lynn. Defining Christians, making Britons: Rammohun Roy and the Unitarians. Victorian studies, v. 44, no. 2 (Winter 2002), p. 215-243, 367-371.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 24, 206

The Galton Institute. Symposium to Commemorate Herbert Spencer, 1820-1903, Founding Father of Modern Sociology, 2003. [announcements, programmes, etc. 8 items].

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 24, 207

Elwick, James. Herbert Spencer and the disunity of the social organism. History of science, 2003, v. 41, p. 35-72.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 24, 208

Marsden, John. Laughter in paradise: Herbert Spencer's will. The Linnean, 2004, v. 20, no. 4, p. 22-30.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 24, 209

Ruse, Michael. Adaptive landscapes and dynamic equilibrium: the Spencerinan contribution to twentieth-century American evolutionary biology. Darwinian heresies, 2004, p. 131-150. Cambridge University Press.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 25, 210

Shah, A. M. The Indian sociologist, 1905-14, 1920-22. 2006 (2 copies, 1 incomplete)

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 25, 211

Shapin, Steven. Man with a plan: Herbert Spencer's theory of everything. The New Yorker, Aug. 13, 2007, p. 75-79.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 25, 212

Themes for use in article about Herbert Spencer, 2009. [computer printout, 11 p.]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 25, 213

Smith, George H. A gossipy interlude: George Eliot, Herbert Spencer, and John Chapman, part 1, 2013 [computer printout, 10 p.]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 25, 214

[unidentified]. List of subscribers. [unidentified publication], [18--], p. vii-ix.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 25, 215

D. Appleton & Co. A new class-book of chemistry …: a new edition ... , by Edward L. Youmans … [advertisement], [1863], [unidentified publication], 1 unnumbered page.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 25, 216

St. John's College. The St. John's list of great books. St. John's College, Catalogue of St. John's College, [1968], p. 33-34.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 25, 217

Liberty Press. From Liberty Classics: The principles of ethics, by Herbert Spencer (in two volumes), introduction by tibor R. Machan. Liberty Press/Liberty Classics [advertising brochure, [1978], p. [6-9].

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 26, 218

Perrin, Robert G. Herbert Spencer's sociological theory: an overview, [1980] [photocopy of typescript, 131 p.]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 26, 219

Turner, Jonathan H. The forgotten theoretical giant: Herbert Spencer's models and principles. [photocopy of typescript. Paper published in Revue européenne des sciences sociales, v. 19 (1981), p. 79-98]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 26, 220

Perrin, Robert G. Herbert Spencer, a renewed appreciation, by Jonathan H. Turner [review]. [1985] [photocopy of typescript, 3 p.]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 26, 221

Spencer, Herbert. "Mr. Herbert Spencer regrets that he must take measures for diminishing the amount of his correspondence … " [photocopy of lithographed notice], 1873?

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 26, 222

D. Appleton & Co. The international scientific series. [list of titles in this series], 1893 or 1894. D. Appleton & Co.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 26, 223

Nichols, John Benjamin. Spencer's definition of evolution. The monist, 1902-1903, v. 13, p. 136-138

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 26, 224

William and Norgate, Ltd. Herbert Spencer's works. [advertisement brochure], 1910? Williams & Norgate, London.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 27, 225

Brush, S. G. 1967? [transcripts of correspondence between Spencer and Maxwell, 12 p.]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 27, 226

Liberty Classics. The principles of ethics, by Herbert Spencer ; introduction by Tibor R. Machan [advertisement]. [Liberty Classics, Catalogue of new publications], 1978? p. 9.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 27, 227

Avrith, Gale. James G. Kennedy, Herbert Spencer. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1978 [review]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 27, 228

Graber, Robert Bates. Darwin's ambivalence toward Spencer. 1989? [photocopy of typescript, 11 p.]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 27, 229

Perrin, Robert G. Publications and presentations. 1991? [computer printout, 5 p.]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 27, 230

Turner, Jonathan H. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) [photocopy of typescript, 11 p.] Published in: Philosophy of education: and encyclopedia, ed. By J.J. Chambliss, Garland, New York, 1996, p. 623-626]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 28, 231

[printouts of various articles on the internet], 2003?-2015?

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 29, 232

Heiman, Eric. Eric Heiman on Richard Schoenwald. [internet article, written a few years before May 2010; printed on 6/30/2014]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 29, 233

Spencer, Herbert. First principles, after 1879, p. 510.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 29, 234

[639]. Unpublished letters from George Eliot to Herbert Spencer [annotated citation], after 1981, p. 412 of an unidentified book; running title: Part two, writings on Spencer, arranged by subject.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 29, 235

The centenary of Herbert Spencer [photocopy of ms. in the Mitchell Library of the State Library of New South Wales], ca. 1920.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 29, 236

Spencer, Herbert. First principles, p. 292, no date.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 29, 237

Gay, Hannah. Le cas Spencer: religion, science et politique, by Daniel Becquemont and Laurent Mucchielli [review] Ambix, v. 47, pt. 1 (Mar. 2000), p. 66-67.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 29, 238

Perrin, Robert G. Spencer's theory of societal cohesion: abstract [and] ] Herbert Spencer: an introduction and annotated bibliography: table of contents. [photocopy of typescripts, 2 p.]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 29, 239

Herbert Spencer, a living autobiography: conclusion. [photocopy of typescript, 3 p.]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 29, 240

Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903): philosopher of evolution. [probably printout of internet article, with some ms. corrections]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 30, 241

Perrin, Robert G. Chapter 1, Remembering Spencer: review copy. [photocopy of typescript or computer printout, 115 p.]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 31, 242

Perrin, Robert G. Chapter 1, Remembering Spencer: review copy. [photocopy of typescript or computer printout, 117 p.]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 32, 243

Comments [reply to Professor Douglas's comments on the unidentified author's paper] [photocopy of typescript, 4 p., text ends abruptly on p. 4]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 32, 244

Herbert Spencer, 1820-1903. [internet entry from the New School's website, printed on Nov. 23, 2003]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 32, 245

Herbert Spencer at 78. [photo portrait, with printed caption; the same image has been used in Spencer, An autobiography, v. 2, frontispiece, but with caption handwritten]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 32, 246

[photostats of 4 ms. letters by Spencer, probably from the Bodleian Library]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 32, 247

[photocopies and transcripts of 16 ms. letters by Spencer, mainly to Chapman and to Bochun]

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 33, 248

Carneiro, Robert L. The Influence of Herbert Spencer on the World of Letters, 2005.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 33, 249

Carneiro, Robert L., editor. The Evolution of Society. Selections from Herbert Spencer's Principles of Sociology, 1967. The University of Chicago Press.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 34, 250

Carneiro, Robert L. Classical Evolution (see Leslie White, "Ethnological Theory," in "Philosophy for the Future," fn. 32, for Morgan's dualistic determinism and "germs of thought"; see also pp. 361-367 for evaluation of materialism of Morgan and Taylor)

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 34, 251

Carneiro, Robert L. Spencer, Herbert. Reprinted from International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 1968. Crowell Collier and MacMillan, Inc.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 34, 252

Carneiro, Robert L. Structure, Function, and Equilibrium in the Evolutionism of Herbert Spencer. Reprinted from "Journal of Anthropological Research", Summer 1973, v. 29, no. 2. The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 34, 253

Carneiro, Robert L. Herbert Spencer's "The Study of Sociology" and the Rise of Social Science in America. Reprinted from "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society", December 1974, v. 118, no. 6. Lancaster Press, Inc., Lancaster, PA.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 34, 254

Carneiro, Robert L. Herbert Spencer as an Anthropologist. The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Spring 1981, v. 5, no. 2.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 35

Robert Carneiro's Research File

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 36, 255

Carneiro, Robert L. Structure, Function, and Equilibrium in the Evolution of Herbert Spencer. Reprinted from the Journal of Anthropological Research, Summer 1973, v. 29, no. 2.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 36, 256

Carneiro, Robert L. Herbert Spencer as Anthropologist. The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Spring 1981, v. 5, no. 2, copy 2.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 36, 257

Carneiro, Robert L. Herbert Spencer's The Study of Sociology and the Rise of Social Science in America. Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, v. 118, no.6, December 1974.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 36, 258

Carneiro, Robert L. Herbert Spencer as Anthropologist. The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Spring 1981, v. 5, no. 2, copy 3.

Mss .C37, Box 1, Folder 36, 259

Carneiro, Robert L. The Evolution of Society. Selections from Herbert Spencer's Principles of Sociology. The University of Chicago Press, 1967.

Spencer, Herbert. First Principles. Wats & Co., Sixth Edition, 1946.
The Journal of Libertarian Studies. Volume V, Number, 2, Spring 1981.