Maritza B. Macdonald

A woman working with children at a laboratory table with green plants.

Senior Director of Education and Policy Emeritus

[email protected]


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  • Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters, Bank Street College 2011
  • Teachers College, Columbia University, Ed.D., 1995
  • Bank Street College of Education, M.S., 1978 
  • Fordham University, B.S., 1973

Professional Interests

Dr. Macdonald is a senior teacher and teacher educator with more than 25 years experience teaching in public and private schools in the United States and South America; directing teacher education programs; and serving as faculty in several universities and colleges teaching subjects related to science education, curriculum development, informal education, school administration, and research within multilingual contexts and cultures.

At AMNH, Dr. Macdonald has created and managed partnerships across institutions and schools, evaluated programs, and served as principal investigator in urban science teacher education grants from federal funders such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) and  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). She has directed international education projects in Vietnam and South Africa, and taught Lehman College and Columbia Teachers College courses offered at the Museum.


  • The New Educator Journal (Guest Editor) Special Issue on Teacher Education and Science Cultural Institutions: Widening the Scholarship for Preparing New Science Educators, City College, NYC., 2010
  • Macdonald, M., Sloan, H., Miele, E., Powell, W., Silvernail, R., Kinzler, R., Hong, J., and Simon, C., 2008, Improving Urban Earth Science Education: The TRUST Model. Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 56, p. 269-279. (also available at:
  • Linda Darling-Hammond, L., Macdonald, M., 2000. Studies of Excellence in Teacher Education: Preparation at the Graduate level, AACTE, 2000.
  • Goodwin, A.L., Macdonald, M., 1997. Assessment for equity and inclusion: Embracing all our children, , A.L. Goodwin, (Ed.), New York: Routledge
  • Teaching to Learn: An expert teacher’s quest for equity pedagogy.” 1995. Unpublished dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University, Department of Curriculum and Teaching.
  • Snyder, J., Lieberman, A., Macdonald M., Goodwin, A. (1992) Makers of Meaning in a Learning-Centered School: A Case Study of Central Park East 1 Elementary School. New York: NCREST, Teachers College, Columbia University
  • Advisement: The Journey for Pre service Student Teachers. 1991.  In Thought and Practice, Bank Street College of Education. Vol.3, No. 1.

Teaching Experience

  • Urban and Teacher Education Researcher at the National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching, Teachers College, Columbia 1990-1997           
  • Director of Pre-service Teacher Education Program and teaching faculty in curriculum design and school administration, Bank Street College of Education 1986 – 1990

Adjunct Positions

  • Teachers College, Columbia University Department of Math Science and Technology, 2000–Present
  • Lehman College, CUNY Department of Education, Secondary School Teachers, 1999–Present