Natasha Cook-Nieves

Senior Specialist in Science and Teacher Education
Download Curriculum Vitae
- Teachers College, Columbia University, Ed.D, 2011
- Brooklyn College, City University of New York, MSEd., 2001
- Vassar College, B.A., 1996
Research Interests
A National Board Certified Teacher and Milken Educator, Dr. Natasha Cooke-Nieves was the science and math specialist for Children First Network 110, providing professional development to 27 New York City public schools servicing grades PreK-12. In that role, she taught workshops and provided in-house individualized support to teachers and administrators on differentiated instruction, assessment and data collection, and the implementation of effective science and math classroom strategies.
Previously, she taught general science and was the science coach at PS/MS 282 in Brooklyn. Dr. Nieves is an adjunct professor at Brooklyn College where she teaches elementary science education, biology, and chemistry, and inquiry-based science courses to pre-service teachers. Her research interests include the impact and connection between teachers of science and informal institutions, the resource capital of schools, and teacher pedagogical learning.
Teaching Experience
- Adjunct Lecturer, Education Department, City University of New York: Brooklyn College, 2004–present
- Science Coach, PS/MS 282, 2006–2008
- Science Teacher, PS/MS 282, 1997–2006
- Cooke, N. (2008–2011). How to Teach Elementary Science.