Research and Collections Videos

Research and Collections Where are All the Tiny Dinosaurs? A dinosaur as small as a mouse—pretty hard to imagine, right? It could be because tiny dinosaurs simply didn’t exist. Research and Collections How Do We Measure the Ages of Stars? With Astrophysicist Ruth Angus Join Museum curator Ruth Angus on a quest to answer one of the most challenging (and important) questions about stars. Research and Collections Studying Dragonflies Around the World with Entomologist Jessica Ware Museum Curator Jessica Ware takes you on a journey through the fascinating world of dragonflies and damselflies. Research and Collections Searching For Microbes In Moss - Pondlife Ep 3 Mosses, some of the oldest plants on land, are home to an incredible variety of microbes. Research and Collections Cyanobacteria from Pond to Lab - Pondlife Ep 2 Cyanobacteria are among the most important and abundant organisms on Earth. Research and Collections Searching for Human Ancestors in East Africa Find out how paleoanthropologist Ashley Hammond finds fossils in the field and then studies them back in the lab. Research and Collections Pond Scum Under the Microscope - Pondlife Ep 1 Microbiologist Sally Warring dives into the surprisingly beautiful microscopic world of pond scum. Research and Collections Rare Book Collection: Printing Techniques for Scientific Illustrations The history of printmaking is as colorful as the extraordinary prints in the Museum’s Rare Book Collection. Research and Collections Why Are Fossil Shark Skeletons So Rare? While shark teeth are among the most common vertebrate fossils, fossilized shark skeletons are much harder to come by. Research and Collections How Corals Hold Centuries of Ocean Climate Data Corals are living records of climate change. Research and Collections Revealing Climate Through Corals What can corals reveal about how our oceans have changed over time? Research and Collections Preserving the Dry Coral Collection How does the Museum care for its collection of more than 4,000 dry coral specimens?
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