
Denis Finnin/© AMNH
The Richard Gilder Graduate School oversees the Museum's university-level programs, including fellowships for graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers.

Our fellowship programs provide training across disciplines, including comparative biology and the fields of anthropology, invertebrate zoology, paleontology, physical sciences (astrophysics and Earth and planetary sciences), and vertebrate zoology. 

Ph.D. Student Fellowships: RGGS Comparative Biology Ph.D. Program

Ph.D. Student Fellowships: Partner Institutions

Postdoctoral Fellowships

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The Museum expresses its utmost appreciation to Richard Gilder, a steadfast and most generous benefactor and friend whose visionary philanthropy enabled the Museum to establish the Gilder Graduate School.  

The RGGS Graduate Research Fellowship Program is supported by the National Science Foundation.

The RGGS Research Experiences for Undergraduate programs are supported by the National Science Foundation. 

Additional support for the Richard Gilder Graduate School has been generously provided by Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Gerstner Family Foundation; the National Science Foundation; the Annette Kade Charitable Trust; and the Maxwell | Hanrahan Foundation.