Felicity Arengo
Visiting Scientist
- State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, M.Sc., 1994
- State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Ph.D., 1997
Research Interests
Dr. Felicity Arengo is a conservation biologist with experience in scientific research, outreach and communications, and site-based and regional conservation planning. As Associate Director of the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation she helped oversee strategic planning, project development and administration, and fundraising efforts. Felicity has twenty years of field research and project management experience in Latin America and is currently the Americas coordinator of the IUCN Flamingo Specialist Group. She obtained her graduate degrees from the SUNY-College of Environmental Science and Forestry conducting research on flamingos in coastal wetlands in Mexico. In South America, she is working with partners monitoring flamingo populations and wetland habitats to develop and implement a long-term regional conservation strategy that will promote conservation of these systems. Dr. Arengo was also an Adjunct Research Scientist at Columbia University where she taught in the Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology department.
Field Journal: 2015 Flamingo expedition (series of 5 blog posts)
Research Post: 2017 Flamingo expedition
Research Post: 2018 Flamingo expedition
Meet the OLogist: Felicity Arengo
- Marconi P, Arengo F, Clark A. 2022. The arid Andean plateau waterscapes and the lithium triangle: flamingos as flagships for conservation of high-altitude wetlands under pressure from mining development. Wetlands Ecology and Management https://doi.org/10.1007/s11273-022-09872-6
- Betley EC, Sigouin A, Pascua P, Cheng SH, MacDonald KI, Arengo F, Aumeeruddy-Thomas, Y, Caillon S, Isaac ME, Jupiter SD, Mawyer A, Mejia M, Moore AC, Renard D, Sébastien L, Gazit N, Sterling EJ. 2021. Assessing human well-being constructs with environmental and equity aspects: A review of the landscape. People and Nature 00:1-18. https://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10293
- Frau, D, Moran BJ, Arengo F, Marconi P, Battauz Y, Mora C, Manzo R, Mayora G, Boutt DF. 2021. Hydroclimatological patterns and limnological characteristics of unique wetland systems on the Argentine high Andean plateau. Hydrology 8, 164. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology8040164
- Rocha O, Pacheco LF, Ayala GR, Varela F, Arengo F. 2021. Trace metals and metalloids in Andean flamingos (Phoenicoparrus andinus) and Puna flamingos (P. jamesi) at two wetlands with different risk of exposure in the Bolivian Altiplano. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193(8):1-7.
- Rose P, Arengo F, King C, (eds.) 2021. Flamingo, Journal of the IUCN SSC WI Flamingo Specialist Group, e2. Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, UK. http://www.flamingo-sg.org/journal/flamingo-2019/
- Marconi P, Arengo F, Castro A, Rocha O, Valqui M, Aguilar S, Barberis I, Castellino M, Castro L, Derlindati E, Michelutti M, Michelutti P, Moschione F, Musmeci L, Ortiz E, Romano M, Sosa H, Sepúlveda D, Sureda AL. 2020. Sixth International Simultaneous Census of three flamingo species in the Southern Cone of South America: Preliminary Analysis. Flamingo e3: 67-75. http://www.flamingo-sg.org/flamingo-2020/
- Rose P, Arengo F, King C, Bechet A (eds.) 2019. Flamingo, Journal of the IUCN SSC WI Flamingo Specialist Group, e2. Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, UK. http://www.flamingo-sg.org/journal/flamingo-2019/
- Stacey JR with Arengo F, Racionero Gómez B, Marconi P. 2019. Lithium mining in the High Puna of the Andes: an environmental blessing with some dark footprints? Livent Working Paper. http://www.levinsources.com/assets/pages/Lithium-mining-High-Puna-Andes.pdf
- Naro-Maciel E, Arengo F, Galante P, Vintinner E, Holmes K, Balazs G, SterlingEJ. 2018. Marine protected areas and migratory species: Residency of green turtles at Palmyra Atoll, Central Pacific. Endangered Species Research 37: 165-182.
- Betley E, Sigouin A, Sterling EJ, Arengo F, Gazit N, Porzecanski AL. 2018. Best practices for stakeholder engagement in biodiversity programming. U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Resource Guide. USAID Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and the Environment - Office of Forestry and Biodiversity. Washington, DC.
- Arengo F, Porzecanski AL, Blair M, Amato G, Filardi C, Sterling EJ. 2017. The essential role of museums in wildlife conservation. Pages 82-100. In E Dorfman ed., The Future of Natural History Museums (ICOM Advances in Museum Research), 1st Edition. Rutledge, New York and London.
Teaching Experience
Faculty Appointments
- Adjunct Research Scientist; Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology Department; Columbia University
Courses Taught
Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability Certificate Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability Modules:
- Populations
- Behavioral Ecology
Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology Dept.
- Evolution: Darwin to DNA
- Ornithology