Julie Contino
Senior Specialist in Science and Teacher Education
Download Curriculum Vitae
- Teachers College Columbia University, Ed.D., 2011
- Cornell University, M.A., 2002
- Cornell University, B.S., 2001
Professional Experience
Prior to joining the American Museum of Natural History’s Education Division, Dr. Julie Contino taught high school Earth Science and Living Environment in upstate New York as well as in New York City. She has taught elementary science and has supervised elementary school teachers in teaching science in their classrooms. Dr. Contino has developed and instructed courses for teachers at the American Museum of Natural History both in-person and online. Her research interests include standards, classroom practice, and student assessment in Earth Science education in New York State.
- Davies, R., Wolk-Stanley, J., Yuan, V., & Contino, J. (Winter 2021). Engaging New York City students in climate change science using a place-based 5E mini-unit on glacial evidence. The Earth Scientist, 38(4), 12-18.
- Anderson, O. R. & Contino, J. (2013). The role of visualization in conceptual learning and conceptual change. In K. D. Finson and J. E. Pederson (Eds.), Visual data and their use in science education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Contino, J. & Anderson, O. R. (2013). From prescribed curriculum to classroom practice: An examination of the implementation of the New York State Earth Science standards. Journal of Geoscience Education, 61(1), 129-144.
- Contino, J. (2012). A case study of the alignment between curriculum and assessment in the New York State Earth Science standards-based system. Journal of Science Education and Technology, DOI 10.1007/s10956-012-9376-x
- Contino, J. (2011). An analysis of the New York State Earth Science curriculum with respect to standards, classroom practices, and the Regents examination. Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Anderson, O.R. & Contino, J. (2010). A study of teacher-mediated enhancement of students’ organization of Earth science knowledge using web diagrams as a teaching device. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 21(6), 683 – 701.
Teaching Experience
- Senior Specialist, American Museum of Natural History – AMNH MAT Program, 2012–present
- Instructor, American Museum of Natural History – Seminars on Science, 2009–11
- Upper School Teacher/Lower School Science Coach, New Explorations into Science, Technology, and Math (NYCDOE), 2007–08
- Science Teacher, Broadalbin-Perth High School, 2003–07
- Long-term Substitute Teacher, Hamilton Elementary School (Boston Public Schools), 2002–03
Selected Presentations and Workshops
- Contino, J., Arias, A. M., Benedict-Chambers, A., Davis, J., Enderle, P., Fick, S., Hanuscin, D., Presley, M., Sherwood, C., & Vo, T. (January 2022). Engaging elementary and secondary preservice and inservice science teachers in crosscutting concepts: Strategies across multiple institutions. Exploratory Session at the 2022 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Meeting, Greenville, SC.
- Davies, R., Wolk-Stanley, J., Yuan, V., & Contino, J. (July 2021). Building science knowledge, identity, and interest using place-based learning about climate change to engage diverse urban undergraduate and high school students. Poster at the Earth Educators’ Rendezvous 2021, Online.
- Davies, R., Contino, J., Wolk-Stanley, J., & Yuan, V. (April 2021) Engaging diverse urban undergraduate and high school students in climate change science using a place-based unit on glacier landforms. Presented at the City University of New York (CUNY) Conference on Climate Change, Online.
- Contino, J., Davies, R., Wolk-Stanley, J., & Yuan, V. (January 2021). Using museum exhibits to engage preservice Earth science teachers and their future students. Poster at the 2021 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT (online).
- Davies, R., Wolk-Stanley, J., Yuan, V., & Contino, J. (July 2020). Earth science place-based education at the American Museum of Natural History. Poster at the Earth Educators’ Rendezvous 2020, Online.
- Contino, J., Howes, E. V., & Cooke-Nieves, N. (January 2020). Evaluating preservice science teachers using a faculty-developed observation rubric. Exploratory Session at the 2020 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
- Gupta, P., Hammerness, K., MacPherson, A., Chavez Reilly, M., Chaffee, R., Cooke-Nieves, N., Contino, J., Howes, E., Ingber, J., Horgan, J., & Vasudevan, V. (July 2019). Research at the American Museum of Natural History: Partnering across multiple institutions for equitable science teaching and learning. Presented at the NYCDOE Forum on Connecting Research, Policy & Practice, New York, NY.
- Contino, J., Cooke-Nieves, N., Fichman, M., Goodman, S., Hammerness, K., Howes, E., Kinzler, R., Kornaker, J., Rivera, Y., Trowbridge, C., & Wolff, D. (2019). Nurturing clinical partnerships and documenting ongoing collaboration (CAEP standard 2). Presented at the 2019 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY.
- Contino, J. & Randle, D. (January 2019). Supporting preservice teachers in designing NGSS-aligned unit plans using the five tools and processes. Exploratory Session at the 2019 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Meeting, Savannah, GA.
- Contino, J., Cooke-Nieves, N., & Howes, E. (January 2018). Preparing secondary science teacher candidates for the edTPA: Supporting students in understanding and using feedback. Workshop at the 2018 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Meeting, Baltimore, MD.