Ricky Nilsson
California Institute of Technology
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Ph.D. in Astronomy at the Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University, Sweden, 2012
- M.Sc. in Engineering Physics at Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, Sweden, 2005
Research Interests
The main topic of my research up to now can be summarized as characterization of planetary systems, involving investigations of exo-Kuiper belts and extrasolar planets (exoplanets), using observational studies of thermal emission and scattering/polarization properties of dust grains, as well as direct imaging and recovery of spectra of young Jupiter-mass planets and brown dwarfs. More details on my research involvements can be found on my website.
Project 1640 Observations of the White Dwarf HD 114174 B
E. Bacchus, I. R. Parry, R. Oppenheimer, J. Aguilar, C. Beichman, D. Brenner, R. Burruss, E. Cady, S. Luszcz-Cook, J. Crepp, R. Dekany, R. Fergus, A. Gianninas, L. Hillenbrand, S. Hinkley, M. Kilic, D. King, T. G. Lockhart, C. T. Matthews, R. Nilsson, T. Pearce, L. Pueyo, E. L. Rice, L. C. Roberts, Jr., A. Sivaramakrishnan, R. Soummer, G. Vasisht, A. Veicht, C. Zhai, N. T. Zimmerman
MNRAS, 469, 4796, 10 pages (2017)
Project 1640 Observations of Brown Dwarf GJ758 B: Near-Infrared Spectrum and Atmospheric Modeling
R. Nilsson, A. Veicht, P. A. Giorla Godfrey, E. L. Rice, J. Aguilar, L. Pueyo, L. C. Roberts, Jr., R. Oppenheimer, D. Brenner, S. H. Luszcz-Cook, E. Bacchus, C. Beichman, R. Burruss, E. Cady, R. Dekany, R. Fergus, L. Hillenbrand, S. Hinkley, D. King, T. Lockhart, I. R. Parry, A. Sivaramakrishnan, R. Soummer, G. Vasisht, C. Zhai, N. T. Zimmerman
Astrophysical Journal, 838, 64, 12 pages, (2017)
Constraints on the presence of SiO gas in the debris disk of HD 172555
T. L. Wilson, R. Nilsson, C. H. Chen, C. M. Lisse, M. Moerchen, H.-U. Käufl, and A. Banzatti
Astrophysical Journal, 826, 165, 5 pages, (2016)
Characterization of the Companion to μ Her
L. C. Roberts Jr., B. D. Mason, J. Aguilar, J. Carson, J. R. Crepp, C. Beichman, D. Brenner, R. Burruss, E. Cady, S. Luszcz-Cook, R. Dekany, L. Hillenbrand, S. Hinkley, D. King, T. G. Lockhart, R. Nilsson, R. Oppenheimer, I. R. Parry, L. Pueyo, E. L. Rice, A. Sivaramakrishnan, R. Soummer, G. Vasisht, A. Veicht, J. Wang C. Zhai, N. T. Zimmerman
Astronomical Journal, 151, 6, 169, 7 pages, (2016)
L. C. Roberts Jr., R. Oppenheimer, J. R. Crepp, C. Baranec, C. Beichman, D. Brenner, R. Burruss, E. Cady, S. Luszcz-Cook, R. Dekany, L. Hillenbrand, S. Hinkley, D. King, T. G. Lockhart, R. Nilsson, I. R. Parry, L. Pueyo, A. Sivaramakrishnan, R. Soummer, E. L. Rice, A. Veicht, G. Vasisht, C. Zhai, N. T. Zimmerman
Astronomical Journal, 150, 4, 103, 6 pages, (2015)
Reconnaissance of the HR 8799 Exosolar System II: Astrometry and Orbital Motion
L. Pueyo, R. Soummer, J. Hoffman, R. Oppenheimer, J. R. Graham, N. Zimmerman, C. Zhai, J. K. Wallace, F. Vescelus, A. Veicht, G. Vasisht, T. Truong, A. Sivaramakrishnan, M. Shao, L. C. Roberts Jr., J. E. Roberts, E. Rice, I. R. Parry, R. Nilsson, T. Lockhart, E. R. Ligon, D. King, S. Hinkley, L. Hillenbrand, D. Hale, R. Dekany, J. R. Crepp, E. Cady, R. Burruss, D. Brenner, C. Beichman, C. Baranec
Astrophysical Journal, 803, 31, 23 pages, (2015)
Direct Spectrum of the Benchmark T Dwarf HD 19467 B
J. R. Crepp, E. L. Rice, A. Veicht, J. Aguilar, L. Pueyo, P. Giorla, R. Nilsson, S. H. Luszcz-Cook, R. Oppenheimer, S. Hinkley, D. Brenner, G. Vasisht, E. Cady, C. A. Beichman, L. A. Hillenbrand, T. Lockhart, C. T. Matthews, L. C. Roberts Jr., A. Sivaramakrishnan, R. Soummer, C. Zhai
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 798, L43, 6 pages, (2015)
The κ Andromedae System: New Constraints on the Companion Mass, System Age & Further Multiplicity
S. Hinkley, L. Pueyo, J. K. Faherty, B. R. Oppenheimer, E. Rice, E. E. Mamajek, A. L. Kraus, M. J. Ireland, T. David, L. A. Hillenbrand, G. Vasisht, E. Cady, D. Brenner, A. Veicht, R. Nilsson, R. Fergus, N. Zimmerman, I. R. Parry, C. Beichman, R. Dekany, J. E. Roberts, L. C. Roberts Jr., C. Baranec, J. R. Crepp, R. Burruss, J. K. Wallace, D. King, C. Zhai, T. Lockhart, M. Shao, R. Soummer, A. Sivaramakrishnan, L. A. Wilson
Astrophysical Journal, 779, 153, 14 pages, (2013)
Reconnaissance of the HR 8799 Exosolar System I: Near-IR Spectroscopy
B. R. Oppenheimer, C. Baranec, C. Beichman, D. Brenner, R. Burruss, E. Cady, J. R. Crepp, R. Dekany, R. Fergus, D. Hale, L. Hillenbrand, S. Hinkley, D. W. Hogg, D. King, E. R. Ligon, T. Lockhart, R. Nilsson, I. R. Parry, L. Pueyo, E. Rice, J. E. Roberts, L. C. Roberts, Jr., M. Shao, A. Sivaramakrishnan, R. Soummer, G. Vasisht, A. Veicht, F. Vescelus, J. K. Wallace, C. Zhai, N. Zimmerman
Astrophysical Journal, 768, 24, 16 pages, (2013)
VLT Imaging of the β Pictoris Gas Disk
R. Nilsson, A. Brandeker, G. Olofsson, K. Fathi, P. Thébault, R. Liseau
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 544, id.A134, 12 pages, (2012)
Polarimetric Coronagraphy of BD+31°643
G. Olofsson, R. Nilsson, H-G. Florén, A. Djupvik, M. Aberasturi
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 544, id.A43, 9 pages, (2012)
Kuiper Belts Around Nearby Stars
R. Nilsson, R. Liseau, A. Brandeker, G. Olofsson, G. L. Pilbratt, C. Risacher, J. Rodmann, J.-C. Augereau, P. Bergman, C. Eiroa, M. Fridlund, P. Thébault, G. J. White
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 518, id.A40, 15 pages, (2010)
The HADES Mission Concept - Astrobiological Survey of Jupiter’s Icy Moon Europa
T. Böttcher, L. Huber, L. Le Corre, J. Leitner, D. McCarthy, R. Nilsson, C. Teixeira, S. Vaquer Araujo, R. C. Wilson, F. Adjali, M. Altenburg, G. Briani, P. Buchas, A. Le Postollec, T. Meier
International Journal of Astrobiology, 8, pp.321-329, (2009)
A Submillimetre Search for Cold Extended Debris Disks in the β Pictoris Moving Group
R. Nilsson, R. Liseau, A. Brandeker, G. Olofsson, C. Risacher, M. Fridlund, G. L. Pilbratt
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 508, Issue 2, pp.1057-1065, (2009)
q1 Eri: a Solar-Type Star with a Planet and a Dust Belt
R. Liseau, C. Risacher, A. Brandeker, C. Eiroa, M. Fridlund, R. Nilsson, G. Olofsson, G. Pilbratt, P. Thébault
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 480, Issue 3, pp.L47-L50, (2008)
Astronomical Applications of Quantum Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes
C. Barbieri, D. Dravins, T. Occhipinti, F. Tamburini, G. Naletto, V. Da Deppo, S. Fornasier, M. D’Onofrio, R. A. E. Fosbury, R. Nilsson, H. Uthas
Journal of Modern Optics, 54:2, pp.191-197, (2007)
New Pulsating White Dwarfs in Cataclysmic Variables
R. Nilsson, H. Uthas, M. Ytre-Eide, J-E. Solheim, B. Warner
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. Lett. 370, L56-L60, (2006)
Astronomical Quantum Optics with Extremely Large Telescopes
D. Dravins, C. Barbieri, R. A. E. Fosbury, G. Naletto, R. Nilsson, T. Occhipinti, F. Tamburini, H. Uthas, L. Zampieri
The Scientific Requirements for Extremely Large Telescopes, Proceedings of the 232nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Cape Town, South Africa, November 14-18, 2005, Edited by Patricia Ann Whitelock; Michel Dennefeld; Bruno Leibundgut. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.502-505, (2006)
QuantEYE: A Quantum Optics Instrument for Extremely Large Telescopes
G. Naletto, C. Barbieri, D. Dravins, T. Occhipinti, F. Tamburini, V. Da Deppo, S. Fornasier, M. D’Onofrio, R. A. E. Fosbury, R. Nilsson, H. Uthas, L. Zampieri
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy. Edited by McLean, Ian S.; Iye, Masanori. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6269, pp.62691W, (2006)
QuantEYE: The Quantum Optics Instrument for OWL
D. Dravins, C. Barbieri, R. A. E. Fosbury, G. Naletto, R. Nilsson, T. Occhipinti, F. Tamburini, H. Uthas, L. Zampieri
Proceedings from meeting 'Instrumentation for Extremely Large Telescopes', held at Ringberg Castle, (T.Herbst, ed.), (2005)