Library Fun Finds 1.23.23

by Lauren VanDenBerg on

Gottesman Research Library News

Welcome to Library Fun Finds! An ongoing series where we share some of the fun and unique items we come across in the library and archives collections. 

It seems that reports of the death of Roy Chapman Andrews were greatly exaggerated…repeatedly.  

Here we see a 1950 letter from Museum Vice-Director Wayne Faunce alerting Andrews to his untimely demise as reported by Time Magazine:

March 31, 1950 letter from Wayne Faunce to Roy Chapman Andrews.
From Central Archives; March 31, 1950 letter from Wayne Faunce to Roy Chapman Andrews.

Judging by Andrews’s response to the magazine’s Editor, this was a common occurrence. He notes that learning of his own death was “an interesting discovery, but one to which I am not unaccustomed.”

March 31, 1950 letter from Roy Chapman Andrews to the Editor of Time Magazine.
From Central Archives; March 31, 1950 letter from Roy Chapman Andrews to the Editor of Time Magazine.

This entry was written by Lauren VanDenBerg, Shelby White & Leon Levy Project Archivist.