Staff Privileges Form
Museum staff registering for library privileges must agree to and abide by the following policies:
- Only those with library privileges may enter and use the main stacks. Library privileges may be requested by those who have a valid Museum identification badge (valid badges must include a photo and a magnetic strip).
- All materials must be charged out at the Circulation/Reference desk before being removed from the Library and all materials must be used in the Museum only.
- Materials from the Rare Book Collection and Museum Archives are non-circulating.
- Library staff may also restrict the circulation of especially fragile materials, but will make every effort to accommodate users’ needs for access to and reproduction of fragile items. Library staff must approve any exceptions to circulation rules for library materials.
- Library users must return recalled material promptly.
- Library users must ensure that borrowed materials are returned prior to departing the Museum.
- Information collected by the Library that identifies the intellectual pursuits of a patron (e.g. library circulation records, interlibrary loan requests, reference questions) will not be disclosed to others, including Museum staff, except as necessary for enforcement of Library rules (e.g. collection of overdue materials, tracing missing volumes, fulfilling interlibrary loan borrowing requests).