Angelica Cibrian-Jaramillo

Post-doctoral Researcher


Research Interests

My research focuses mainly on the conservation genetics of economically important plants and the phylogeography of their insect pests. After a BSc in biology at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México working on vanilla population genetics, I obtained a Ph.D. in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology from Columbia University, with work on the landscape genetics of understory palms of the genus Chamaedorea in Mexico and Central America. My postdoc at the  New York Botanical Garden's Genomics Lab focused on the conservation and management of a recently endangered group of cycads in Micronesia using genomic tools (Expressed Sequence Tags). As a joint AMNH-NYBG Cullman post-doctoral fellow, I am studying the population genetics of agricultural pests such as cycad scales and avocado and cactus weevils, to understand the processes that govern their adaptation to their plant host. I am also a member of the  New York Plant Genomics Consortium investigating the genome evolution of seed plants using phylogenomic tools. Training is a fundamental part of my work, I have trained one high school and six undergraduate students in our lab on using genetic tools for conservation. I have also been involved in environmental policy, working at the  Bioversity International institute in Rome and biodiversity education (taught Evolutionary Genetics at the AMNH, NSF High School Science Program, undergraduate courses at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, and graduate courses at Columbia University). I am also a member of the IUCN Cycad and Palm specialist groups.


Cibrián-Jaramillo A, Bacon CD, Garwood NC, Bateman RM, Thomas MM, Russell S, Bailey CD, Hahn WJ, Bridgewater SGM, DeSalle R. Population genetics of the understory fishtail palm Chamaedorea ernesti-augusti in Belize: high genetic connectivity with local differentiation. BMC Genetics [in press]

Cibrián-Jaramillo A. Genética de la conservación de la palma de sotobosque Chamaedorea ernesti-augustii. 40 Años de Historia Natural de Los Tuxtlas (Genetics Chapter - Book in press). Mexico

Cibrián-Jaramillo A, Hahn WJ, DeSalle R. 2008. Development of microsatellite markers of the Mexican understory palm Chamaedorea elegans, cross-species genotyping, and amplification in congeners.
Molecular Ecology Notes 8(2):322-324.

Cibrián-Jaramillo A, Marler TE, DeSalle R, Brenner ED. 2008.
Development of EST-microsatellites from the cycad Cycas rumphii, and their use in the recently endangered Cycas micronesica. Conservation Genetics 9:1051-1054.

Hodgkin T, Rao VR, Cibrian-Jaramillo A, Gaiji S. (2003) The use of ex situ conserved plant genetic resources. Plant Genetic Resources 1(1): 19-29.