James P. Herrera

Research Associate, Former Gerstner Postdoctoral Scholar

Current Research at Duke University




B.A. Anthropology University of Miami (FL) 2009

M.A. Anthropology Stony Brook University (NY) 2011

Ph.D. Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Anthropological Sciences, Stony Brook University (NY) 2015

Research Interests

Macroecology, phylogenetic systematics, biogeography, and phylogenetic comparative methods


Herrera, J. P. "Interactions between plants and primates shape community diversity in a rainforest in Madagascar." Journal of Animal Ecology.

Herrera, J. P. and L. Dávalos "Phylogeny and divergence times of lemurs inferred with recent and ancient fossils in the tree." Systematic Biology.

Wright, P., E. M. Erhart, S. Tecot, A. L. Baden, S. J. Arrigo-Nelson, J. P. Herrera, T. L. Morelli, A. Deppe, M. B. Blanco, S. Atsalis, S. E. Johnson, F. Ratelolahy, C. Tan and S. Zhody (2012). Long-term lemur research at Centre ValBio, Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. Long-term Field Studies of Primates. P. Kappeler and D. P. Watts. Dordrecht, Springer: 67-100.

Kamilar, J. M., K. M. Muldoon, S. M. Lehman and J. P. Herrera (2012). "Testing Bergmann's rule and the resource seasonality hypothesis in Malagasy primates using GIS‐based climate data." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147(3): 401-408.

​​Herrera, J., P. Wright, E. Lauterbur, L. Ratovonjanahary and L. Taylor (2011). "The effects of habitat disturbance on lemurs at Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar." International Journal of Primatology 32: 1091-1108.

