Rosamond Kinzler

Headshot portrait of Dr. Rosamond Kinzler, for AMNH Profile

Senior Director, Science Education
Director, National Center for Science Literacy, Education and Technology

[email protected]


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  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D., 1991
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, S.M., 1985
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, S.B., 1984

Professional Interests

Dr. Kinzler is Senior Director of Science Education, and Co-Director of the MAT program at the American Museum of Natural History.

Before joining the Museum’s Education Division, Dr. Kinzler’s research career involved investigating planetary differentiation through melting at Columbia’s Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory and in the Museum’s Earth and Planetary Sciences Department.

In 1999, Dr. Kinzler co-curated the Museum's Gottesman Hall of Planet Earth, and then joined the Museum’s National Center for Science Literacy, Education and Technology. With a mission to take the Museum’s unparalleled resources beyond its walls, the National Center creates a full spectrum of science education products that integrate authentic science with standards-based curriculum design and innovative use of technology. In 2010 Dr. Kinzler assumed senior management of the Gottesman Center for Science Teaching and Learning.


  • Gano, S. and R. Kinzler, 2011, February 25. Bringing the museum into the classroom.  Science, 331(6020), 1028 – 1029.
  • Steiner, R., Kinzler, R., Macdonald, M, and Gordon, M., Seminars on Science: A Model for the Leveraging of Museum Resources, Association of Internet Researchers, October 17, 2003 (
  • Steiner, R., Macdonald, M, Kinzler, R. and Gordon, M., Online Science Professional Development at the American Museum of Natural History, contributed paper to “Evolving a Research Agenda for Online Professional Development”, Harvard University Press, accepted for publication in 2006.
  • Gano, S., Kinzler, R., Koning, D., Philippo, M. and Tarr, M. 2004. A Scalable, Modular Framework for Publishing Museum Educational Materials. In D. Bearman & J. Trant (Eds.) Museums and the Web 2004, Selected papers from an international conference. Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics. 113-122. also available
  • Gano, S., R. Kinzler and V. Trakinsky, Science Bulletins: Cross-media Publishing of Current Science Stories, in J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2005: Proceedings, Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, published March 31, 2005 at

Download CV for a complete list of publications.

Teaching Experience

  • Earth: Inside and Out, American Museum of Natural History, 2001-03
  • Igneous Petrology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1986

Exhibition and Outreach Activities

  • Co-curator, Gottesman Hall of Planet Earth
  • Executive Producer for a variety of Museum digital projects: Journey to the Stars, full dome, an all digital planetarium film; Science Bulletins, an HD current science media program for Informal Learning Institutions and the Web; OLogy, the Museum’s science Web site for kids; Resources for Learning, the Museum’s online catalog of digital learning resources; and Science Explorations; a science publishing partnership with Scholastic, Inc.
  • Author and reviewer of Seminars on Science Online Graduate Courses for K-12 Educators