Finding Research Articles
On this page, you will find databases and other resources that can help you find article citations/references and full text articles online.
Google Scholar | Databases | Journal Alerts | Finding Full Text | Open Access Resources for Full Text Articles
Google Scholar allows you to search across a wide range of academic literature. It draws on information from journal publishers, university repositories, and other websites that it has identified as scholarly.
Use the “Advanced Search” feature in Google Scholar to refine your search for articles by journal title, author, and/or date.
- Click on the 3 bars at the upper left hand of the page to expand the left menu
- Select "Advanced Search"
- Enter your keywords or phrases
- Refine your search by author, date and/or journal title
Enable “Library Links” to add direct links to the Gottesman Research Library’s electronic holdings (when available).
- Click on the 3 bars at the upper right hand of the page to expand the left menu
- Select Settings -> "Library Links"
- Type American Museum of Natural History in the search box and hit enter
- Select the checkbox to add “Library Links” for the American Museum of Natural History
- You will now see Full-Text @ AMNH Library to the left of any article citation in Google Scholar if we have subscription access
Databases can be used to search for literature in a specific discipline. Databases also provide additional facets, such as controlled subject terms, for search refinement.
- AnthroSource - Index with links to full-text for all American Anthropological Association journals.
- Anthropology Plus - Index combining Anthropological Literature from Harvard University and Anthropological Index from the Royal Anthropological Institute.
- GeoRef - Index of articles, books, reports, etc. relevant to geology and geophysics. Also includes material relevant to paleontology.
- GeoScienceWorld - Collection of geoscience e-journals presented by several leading geoscientific organizations. Also includes material relevant to paleontology.
- NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) - Open access Index (with abstracts) of articles covering topics in astrophyscs.
- Zoological Record - Index of articles, proceedings, theses, etc. relevant to zoology. Provides additional search refinements from Google Scholar such as species name and controlled descriptive terms.
Journal alerts can help you to stay up to date on the latest publications in your field. There are two main kinds of alerts:
- Search Alerts - Specify keywords or subjects in fields of interest to you. When a new record is added to the database that matches your search criteria the database will send an email notification to you about the new publications in your area of interest.
- Journal or Table of Contents Alerts - Many electronic resources feature table of content or journal issue alerts that allow you to set up automatic email notifications of new issues for specific journals.
For instructions on how to set up alerts, see the database specific instructions below:
To create a “search alert” in Google Scholar:
- Select the Advanced Search from the left menu
- Execute your search, click on search
- On the left menu, click on Create Alert icon (located under filters on left menu)
- Enter your e-mail address
- Select the number of results you would like to receive
- Click on "Create Alert"
To create a “search alert” in Anthropology Plus:
- Click "Sign In" to create an account and then sign in to your account
- Execute Search
- Click on "Create Alert" (next to the search button at the top of the page)
- In the pop-up window, enter your preferred email format, email address, frequency and then click on "Save Alert"
To create a “journal alert" in AnthroSource:
- Select Login/Register --> New User to create an account
- Go to Sign up for AAA email alerts
- Create content alerts for each AAA journal below by clicking "Set Alert" next to titles of interest
To create a “search alert” in GeoRef:
- Create a My Research Account
- Once logged in, execute a search
- From your results screen, click on the "SAVE/SEARCH Alert" --> "Create Alert" at the top left of the screen
- In the pop-up window, enter the name for this alert, your preferred type and frequency of content and then click on "Create Alert"
To create a “eTOC alerts” in GeoScienceWorld:
- Click sign in, then click on the “Create New Account” link to create an account
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the “Manage Alerts” link
- Find the journal/journals you want eTOC alerts for, and click the “Add eTOC” button. Select “Full” and/or “Awareness” options for the item in questions’ eTOC
- If you wish to receive Announcements for the journal, check the box in that section
- Once you have made your selections, click “Save”
To create a “search alert” in NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) (Open Access):
- Create a MyADS account
- Perform a new search
- While on results page, expand "Create email notification" menu
- Add a name and frequency
- Click "Create"
To create a “search alert” in Zoological Record:
- Create an account by using the “Sign in” link at the top of the search screen. Click on “Register” and enter your email address and create a password.
- Execute the search query or queries you would like to save.
- Click on the Search History link at the top of the screen, use the Combine Sets (AND OR) to refine your search.
- Click the "Save History/ Create Alert" button to save your search history or to create an alert. Your Alert will be based on the last search statement you enter. If you want your alert to include records from previously-entered sets, create a final search set using Combine Sets.
- Enter a History Name and Description (optional), then click Save.
- Click Save to save your history to the server.
Finding Full Text Via the Gottesman Research Library
If you find a citation/reference in Google Scholar or in one the databases but cannot access the full text or if you have a citation from a published paper or from an alert, you can check to see if we have electronic access to the full text or access to the print issues via our catalog.
- If you do find the journal in our catalog, you can Request a Scan or you can retrieve the print journal from the Gottesman Research Library.
- If you do NOT find the journal in our catalog, you can Request an Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
Open Access Resources for Full Text Articles
If the Gottesman Research Library does not subscribe to an article that you find via Google Scholar or one of our Databases, you may see if an “open access” version is available online via a web plugin from Unpaywall.
BHL is the world’s largest open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. BHL is revolutionizing global research by providing free, worldwide access to knowledge about life on Earth.
- BHL has deployed a new taxonomic name finding tool to improve the speed and accuracy of identifying names throughout its 58+ million pages.
The HathiTrust is a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving 17+ million digitized items. HathiTrust offers reading access to the fullest extent allowable by U.S. copyright law.
Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books, movies & music, as well as 514 billion archived web pages.
Google Books started as a research project supported by the Stanford Digital Library Technologies Project. It has grown to main include more than 40 million books, in more than 400 languages.