Very High-Mass Stars
Part of Hall of the Universe.
Part of Hall of the Universe.
20 to 100 Times the Sun’s Mass
In any batch of newly formed stars, the most massive ones are the rarest and shortest lived. Only one in about five hundred thousand stars has more than twenty times the mass of the Sun. In spite of their rarity, these stars are so luminous that they are easily seen at great distances.
Remnant: Black Hole
A very high-mass star collapses past the density of white dwarfs and past the density of neutron stars. As the star gets smaller, the gravity on its shrinking surface grows, severely warping the fabric of space. Eventually, space curves back upon itself, cutting off all contact with the rest of the universe. We cannot see, and do not know, what happens inside because nothing can escape the abyss, not even light. We call such objects black holes.