The Universe
Part of Hall of the Universe.
AMNH/D. Finnin
The observable universe contains as many as 100 billion galaxies and extends a billion light-years in every direction.
In This Section
Formation and Evolution of the Universe
Our universe encompasses many billions of galaxies, and its history can be recounted back to its earliest moments.
Dimming Starlight
Telescopes can easily zoom in on a star. To see a dim object next to a star, astronomers need to block out the star’s light.
What is the Universe?
The universe is all the matter, energy, and space that exist. We can observe only a part of it - the observable universe.
Universality of Physical Laws
All parts of the universe are subject to the same simple laws of nature that we find here on Earth.
The Big Bang
The Big Bang is the scientific description of the origin of the cosmos.
Evolution of the Universe
Galaxies form and evolve within an expanding and cooling universe.
Our View of the Universe
When we look out into space, we also look back into time.
What are Active Galaxies?
An active galaxy emits up to thousands of times more energy than a normal galaxy.