Science Research Mentoring Program

Part of Teens

A SRMP instructor shows three students something on their laptop. Denis Finnin/© AMNH

Applications for the Class of 2026 are now open!
Deadline March 8, 2025. See requirements and FAQs or

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What is SRMP?

The Science Research Mentoring Program (SRMP) at the American Museum of Natural History is an opportunity for New York City high school students to conduct one year (August–June) of scientific research with Museum scientists. 

In SRMP, high school students get paid to learn how to conduct research. Students work with peers and scientist mentors twice each week throughout the school year for a total of four hours a week on a project that has never been done before. Every research project is different, covering topics from "Genetic basis of foraging in ogre-faced spiders" to "Weighing Stars: How do we know how heavy stars are?" to "What were the Maya eating 2,000 years ago?"

SRMP students learn a wide range of new skills, like working with DNA in the lab, analyzing data from space based telescopes, reading scientific articles, and learning to code and analyze data in Python, R, and other programming languages. At the same time, students become part of a community and strengthen their teamwork skills along with their communication, presentation and writing abilities.

Students in SRMP are not expected to have previous experience with these activities—we build the skills together in the program.

We love working with students who…

  • have a passion for learning and discovery
  • are new to science research and want to build their skills
  • can commit to meeting during August and four hours a week throughout the school year 
  • value teamwork and collaboration
  • look forward to working with a mentor who can help them find their path

Why join SRMP? 

Being part of the Science Research Mentoring Program has many benefits, including: 

  • Learn how to do science research by working on a year-long authentic research project with an AMNH-affiliated scientist
  • Earn a monetary stipend ($2500) upon completion of research and program requirements 
  • Build a community of peers and mentors who want to help you succeed in your academic goals 
  • Attend special events at the American Museum of Natural History and become part of the Museum professional community 

To be eligible be

You must be in the 10th or 11th Grade and passing your classes for the last three or more semesters and  a) applicants must have completed and/or are taking a course in any of the following programs:

  • AIS (Adventures in Science)
  • SNP (Science and Nature Program)
  • EAP (Early Adventures Program)
  • LANG Program
  • SAP (Science Alliance Program)
  • HE³AT (Healthcare, Energy, Education, Environment, Agriculture, and Technology)


b) attend one of our partner schools or programs. Find out more at the Join SRMP page.

Introducing SRMP-Machine

In the 2025-2026 school year, SRMP will include a special focus on Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in scientific research! In the summer institute in August, students will learn about how data science and Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence tools are used in research. During the school year, we'll have a mix of different kinds of projects to choose from, and many will help students build their data science, computational, and ML/AI skills.



Support for the Science Research Mentoring Program at the American Museum of Natural History is provided by Christopher C. Davis; The Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund; and The Pinkerton Foundation.

The American Museum of Natural History gratefully acknowledges Morgan Stanley for its sponsorship of youth initiatives.

The Museum’s Education Collection is generously supported by the Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation and Elysabeth Kleinhans.

Support for the NYC Science Research Mentoring Consortium is generously provided by The Pinkerton Foundation.

Planning for an expansion of the NYC Science Research Mentoring Consortium is supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation under Grant No. G-2023-22352.

SRMPmachine is funded by National Science Foundation award #2049022.