Resources For Educators: Einstein
Part of the Einstein exhibition.

The Life of Albert Einstein represents a world full of imagination, science, history - the limitless possibilities of the human mind. The exhibition captures the wonder of Einstein's world and the impact he had and continues to have on ours. This comprehensive guide will help you explore the exhibition with your students.
Educators Guide and Materials

Einstein Educator's Guide
Get an advance look at the exhibition's major themes and what your class will encounter. This eight-page guide for K-12 educators includes a Map of the Exhibition, Essential Questions (important background content), Teaching in the Exhibition (self-guided explorations), Come Prepared Checklist, Correlation to Standards, and Glossary.
More Resources
Use these free online resources to further explore themes presented in the Einstein exhibition.
Educator Materials
Building a Cloud Chamber (Cosmic Ray Detector)
Wouldn't it be cool if you could create a rain cloud? Or call cosmic rays into view? Well, you can do both! All you need is an aquarium,...
Educator Materials
Einstein Books for Adults
Considered the world's most intriguing genius, Einstein has inspired hundreds of writings. Here's a short list of some of the most...
Educator Materials
Einstein Web List
Where to begin when a Web search turns up millions of sites about Einstein? Let us point you to some of the best—from Time's person...
Educator Materials
Fusion Simulation
Confused about fusion? You won't be once you've completed this experiment, which demonstrates how a strong nuclear force can fuse...
Educator Materials
How the Sun Works
Talk about a long-term power source. For billions and billions of years, the Sun has been giving off energy that equals 4 x 1026...
Journey to a Black Hole
If you could take a trip to a black hole, would you? Before you answer, take a peek at what you'd encounter. The trip certainly would...
Educator Materials
Weightlessness on Earth?
Who said daydreams are a waste of time? One of Einstein's flights of fancy led to the equivalence principle—the knowledge that while...
Educator Materials
Witnessing the Effects of Length Contraction
When does a 12-inch ruler look shorter than it really is? When it's fast on the move. In fact, at the speed of light, it would shrink...