Part of the Einstein exhibition.
Einstein was fascinated by the nature of light.
In 1905, nearly a decade after this first "thought experiment," Einstein answered these questions with his Special Theory of Relativity. The theory, which revolutionized our understanding of time and space, is based on Einstein's astonishing recognition that light always travels at a constant speed, regardless of how fast you're moving when you measure it. Einstein's explorations into the fundamental properties of light also laid the groundwork for his most impressive achievement, the General Theory of Relativity.
Revolution: Light
For decades, physicists searched in vain for the ether and proposed elaborate explanations for why they couldn't detect it. Einstein...
Constant Speed
Einstein's crucial breakthrough, in 1905, can be summed up in a deceptively simple statement: The speed of light is constant.
A New View of Light
Prior to Einstein's breakthrough, scientists sought the "luminiferous ether" through which they believed light must travel.
Cosmic Speed Limit
Physicists once thought there was no limit to how fast an object could travel. Einstein showed there is in fact a speed limit.